Cat Behavior Facts:

Funny Behaviors, Cat Behavior Problems, and More

This section of cat behavior facts covers the good, the bad and everything in between!

We all love our cats, but they really make us scratch our heads sometimes. Just like children, they have their naughty cat behaviors and they do things that we just can't explain.

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There are lots of cat behaviors to consider. We'll break it down into funny and interesting cat behavior facts, and then we'll consider cat behavior problems.

Friendly Cat Behaviors

brown tabby cat lounging around

There are lots of quirky things cats will do to say "hi!" They will rub against you, jump a little to reach you, sniff your face, and make chirping sounds.

We have a cat who insists on nibbling our heads from the back of the couch. And another who drools- a lot.

This section will explore all kind of unique and quirky cat behavior facts. They are really interesting! For example, have you ever wondered why your cat needs to trip you at every corner? And what does it mean when a cat gives you a "love bite?"

Cat Behavior Facts: Cat Body Language

red and white cat cuddling with dog

There are lots of cat behavior facts that are tied in to their body. Some of the things that come to mind are tail twitching, hair on the back rising, and a lot can be said by a cat through the position of his ears.

You can even learn about your cats emotions by looking into his eyes!

Learn all about your cats body language, and you'll know at a glance how he is feeling.

Is he apprehensive, nervous, on guard, or friendly, happy and relaxed? This section will go over all the characteristics of these moods.

Kitten Behavior

playful ginger kitten

Kittens are in a league of their own. There is a range of unique kitten behavior traits.

Kittens seem to sleep more than adult cats. This is probably because they play so hard. They need to recharge!

Kittens Playing: This kitten behavior is their trademark. Playtime with a kitten never gets boring. They are so much fun.

Kittens need lots of toys and lots of interaction. They love to "play hunt" and they love to hide. Provide your kitten with lots of love, attention, and playtime!

Kittens should be litter box trained before they come home. The mother cat takes care of that. And, you may want to review introducing a new kitten to help him adjust to his new home quickly.

Kittens are fun, cute, and they grow so fast. Enjoy your time with your kitten while he is so full of energy and entertainment! You'll look back on his kitten behavior and wonder where the time went.

Sleeping Cats

maine coon kitten sleeping soundly with toy

Cats sleep almost more than any other mammal! They set a record at a whopping 16 hours per day of sleep. No wonder we coined the term "cat nap!"

Sometimes it's said that cats are nocturnal. It can seem that way when a cat is up at all hours of the night.

Actually, they are most active at dawn and dusk. That's when their prey is most active, so that's when they are hard-wired to go out and hunt.

Also, cats can't actually see in the pitch-dark. They need a little moonlight or nightlight, and then their eyes will adjust to help then see. But if there is complete darkness, they can't see.

Cat Behavior Problems

Cats Scratching Furniture:

cartoon cat scratching on couch

Scratching furniture is a common and frustrating problem. When you find cats scratching the furniture it is so frustrating! What to do?

The first line of defense (for your poor couch) is to target your cats claws. Since cat declawing is not an option, there are other ways.

Soft Paws are a popular choice among cat owners. They are comfortable for most cats and quickly solve the problem of cats scratching furniture. Clipping your cats claws will also do the trick.

The second option is, of course, to provide your cat with an outlet for his bad behavior. A cat scratching post is a very useful addition to any home. You can make one yourself, or buy a good quality cat scratching post.

Aggressive Cat Behavior Facts:

Cat aggression is a relatively common cat behavior problem. It can vary is degrees of severity. Some cats are aggressive toward other cats, other pets, even people in the house. This cat behavior is very treatable.

Usually, a cat requires a "retraining" period. He has forgotten (or never learned) how to be a properly social member of the family!

This can take many forms, such as scratching, biting, hissing, etc. Here is a page with a plan for retraining an aggressive cat: Aggressive Questions and Answers. These are visitor questions, submitted on our cat questions page.

We'll discuss different reasons for aggressive cat behavior, and how to address these different situations. Cats are very trainable, it just takes time and determination.

Cat Behavior Facts: Urinating

This page wouldn't be complete without addressing this common and distressing problem. When there is a cat urinating outside the litter box there is always a reason.

This "bad" cat behavior is your cat trying to tell you something. It means your cat is under stress, and trying to get your attention. A cat never does this to misbehave, and it is not about the litter box.

When you realize there has been a cat urinating on carpet in your home it can be really hard to keep your cool. But the key is to take a step back and find our why she is doing this. Then help her. When she feels better, she'll go back to the litter box.

This section will be all about the reasons a cat pees outside the litter box on rugs, carpet, even furniture and clothes. Learn for signs and symptoms of distress or discomfort in your poor cat. Figure out what's wrong.

Cat Poo in the house

This is a similar, though different problem. Finding cat poop outside the litter box is no fun at all. Again, this begins as a cry for help. But after a time it can become habitual. This page will review reasons for and solutions to the problem.

row of pawprints

There are so many subjects and cat behavior facts to think about. Cats really are complex animals, with feelings, moods and personalities all their own.

Learning how to interpret their signs and signals helps us to understand them. A happy cat makes for a happy home!

Top of Cat Behavior Facts

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