
by Marian
(Austin, Texas, USA)

Dash is a year old Maine Coon mix. He was taken from a community cat group, tamed, neutered and is ready a loving home.

He is the last of fourteen cats we have been caring for. He is a beautiful black and white tuxedo kitty.

Dash wants to play and be petted as much as possible, he is a rootin tootin cowboy and does zoomies around the room like a dog.

He weighs 10.5 lbs, has the hairy MC feet, the fluffy tail. His father is large and Dash will be too.

Dash has one weeping eye I have been treating with antibiotic ointment but it comes back when I stop treating him.

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by Amy Hanrahan
(Austin, TX)

Regal Artemis

Regal Artemis

We got Artemis, a purebred (have the documents) five year old Maine Coon (DOB 7/14/18). He was purchased from a Texas breeder for $4000 as a kitten.

In August 2020, his owner, a good friend, passed away. In March 2021 he had a urinary obstruction that did not resolve and he underwent PU surgery that cost $8000+.

He since has had regular vet visits, grooming and is on a special urinary tract/weight management diet.

He weights 23.4 lbs. (was 28 lbs.)but they'd like him to weigh closer to 20, but are happier with his current weight. Unfortunately, he has a recurrent UTI but the culture two weeks ago did not grow bacteria and he does not have stones.

We just tried and experimental arthritis shot that would be monthly, but he is not responding.

Also, we have him on Prozac for cats and he's been on it over a month, so it should be having some effect on him.

3/16/23 He was diagnosed with a UTI and given Clavamox. It did not clear the UTI.

4/12/23 We saw the doctor again re: the UTI and got two weeks of Zeniquin and gabapentin.

5/1/23 We saw the doctor for lingering symptons, so we got an additional week of Zeniquin and more gabapentin.
5/3/23 Ultrasound revealed no blockages, no crystals, etc.

10/11/23 Another UTI. Zeniquin and gabapentin. Culture revealed no infection.

10/30/23 Follow up on unresolved UTI and he received two vials of Solensia (has shown to help with inflammation.)

As of today, there is no noticeable improvement.

The only thing I can think of is that he gets stressed when I leave. My husband and he are close, too, but I am his "PERSON". I think he gets stressed but I cannot do anything about my work travel. (I didn't travel during COVID, of course.)I traveled 10/4-9 and again 10/16-20.

At this point, we cannot keep treating him as there is nothing else to use. I believe he would be better in a home with an owner who is there all the time and has no other cats.

We have another cat, a 5 pound Himalayan Seal Point Persian (5.3 lbs.) and they play and get along.

Both have a separate food dish, share water that is refilled often and do share a litter box. However, maybe he needs the sole attention.

We hate to do this because, when well, he is quite loving, is a lap cat, very sweet and chill.

We simply cannot seem to get him well and none of this is covered by pet insurance that we have on both cats, as we got the insurance after his PU surgery. Please help if you can.

Comments for Artemis

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Nov 12, 2023
Artemis UTI
by: BastetTheGoddess

I have a 12 year old male Main Coon mix. After he had the UTI twice, I eliminated ALL dry food and treats from his diet.

I add bit of water to his wet food and make sure he has fresh, clean, filtered water daily to drink. He now has not had a UTI in more than six years.

Please consider doing this if you already have not and let his new human family know. Good luck with your beautiful boy!

Nov 11, 2023
Chanca Piedra
by: Tamara

Try an herb called:
It has been proven effective to dissolve kidney stones. Safe for humans and Animals.
Best wishes😺

Nov 08, 2023
Artemis's uti problems
by: RW

Hi, have you ever thought about the PH in his water? I had a kitty that was very sensitive to his water and was a very easy fix once I did my own research on the problem.

Wally was at the vet several times with 'chrystalines (sp?) in his kidneys. The Dr. told me I would have to put him on this very expensive food and bring him in for shots for the rest of his life, I noticed that on his blood report that his PH was way off and decided to look into that.

What I found was a great variation in bottled water. "Arrowhead" had the highest PH with over 7+ while Niagara bottled had the lowest with -6-PH The Niagara with I Ams urinary trac formula dry food cured him right up.

The tests were done with a fish PH monitor kit I bought a the local pet store. This simple change brought relief to wally for the rest of his 16 years that I had him.

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by Lainey
(McKinney, Texas )

Mr. Yeti

Mr. Yeti

Yeti is a neutered blue smoke poly Maine Coon who loves his family and fellow dog siblings.

He was born in April 2022 and has registration papers, although we never filed them because we only planned to love him, not breed him!

He is sweet, playful, and wants to be in the same room as humans at all times.

Yeti is quite the extrovert and enjoys human social gatherings, he sometimes watches from the mantle, bookshelf, or other cat-friendly cubby!

He is used to bathing in the warm sun spots even if the dogs come and join in too.

His mom travels for work, and he is becoming more upset with each time she leaves.

He is up to date on shot records, and has a full blood, urine, and fecal panel that shows he is a healthy boy.

Sadly due to the anxiety of Mom's travels, he has lost a little bit of weight and the vet thinks its best that he goes to a stable home with his favorite human being more readily available for naps and ear rubs.

He is used to going to the groomer every 6 weeks, and doesn't mind the car ride either.

Comments for Yeti

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Jul 16, 2024
No Longer Available
by: MCCN

Thank you all for your interest! Lainey never returned to this page after posting Yeti.

Quite some time has gone by, so I believe he has found a home. We keep these rehomed Coonie posts up, in the form of a photo album here for others to enjoy.

Keep an eye out for future rehoming posts!

Mar 06, 2024
Car Rides!?!?
by: Anonymous

I've been looking at MC rescues all day today.
I just lost my boy to kidney failure and he LOVED car rides!
I do work on the road at times and my guy went with me every time. He was a well traveled kitty.
Is your guy still available?

Jan 19, 2024
by: Anonymous

We just had to have our best buddy put down. He was one cool cat. We would love to add another member to the family. Is Yeti good with other cats and dogs? We have a smaller female cat as well as a large dog. We live in Dallas and would love to discuss if Yeti might be a good fit. Our fur babies get lots of love and attention. There is almost always someone home.

Dec 14, 2023
Forever home
by: Luis

I have been searching for a companion for quite some time. I'm a previous vet tech currently living in dallas and intend on remaining here for a while. I can provide him a forever home if he is still available.

Oct 06, 2023
Extremely interested
by: Sherry

I retired a year ago and have been searching for a fur baby to share my days with. I believe Mr. Yeti would be purr fect for me.

Sep 30, 2023
by: Anonymous

My Maine Coon boy passed away over a year ago and I have missed him immensely. I've wanted another but would rather seek rescue/adoption over buying through a breeder.

I live in a calm home with my husband and two other very chill fur babies. Yeti is gorgeous and sounds like he'd do well with us. Contact me if you feel we'd be a good fit for him.

Sep 03, 2023
by: San Antonio

I am in San Antonio. I have a polydactyl Siamese and have been looking for a Maine coon to add to our family. I would love to have Yeti.

Sep 03, 2023
Yeti Forever Home
by: Peggy Yadon

We would love to give Yeti a forever home. We had two Maine Coon brothers who we lost a year apart to feline diabetes. It absolutely devastated us! We love Maine Coon cats and are both retired so we could certainly give him tons of love and attention.

Sep 03, 2023
My Perfect Match
by: Anonymous

I would love to be considered as Yeti’s furever mama, I am a Veteran that suffers from PTSD and needs an emotional support animal to share my days with.

It sounds like Yeti and I are a perfect match for each other and I promise he would be treated like the King that he is. Thank you for the consideration ❤️

Sep 02, 2023
Maine Coon
by: David Keith, LtCdr, USN retired

Hello there, we would be interested in Yeti as we lost our Maine Coon Vincent recently after 18 awesome years. Vinny ran the house as he was 26lbs and thought he was a dog.

We are located in Prosper and have plenty of room for a MC. Thanks for any consideration.

Sep 02, 2023
A New Home For Yeti
by: Maine Coon Cat Nation

Hi Lainey,
It looks like you are receiving some nice interest in Yeti! Please update us here when you've chosen a new home for him.

If you'd like to email me, I can help you connect with these interested parties via email without posting your email address online.

(You can get in touch with me directly by replying to the email I sent to the address you used to make this post. If you don't see it, check your junk folder.)

Best wishes to you and Yeti!

Sep 02, 2023
by: Helen

What a Handsome boy, one of your previous person’s interested in the handsome cat, I had a Big Boy as well, Maine coon full blooded, also I only loved him.

You are right the mIne coons are amazing. Mine are all gone now, last one 11 months ago. So to the gentleman… hope your wishes come true…

Sep 01, 2023
Just lost my big boy 3 year ago
by: Simba

I’m retired and met my wife on a mission trip to Peru. I now have a wife and 2 teen children. I leave the travel to the younger generation since I have a reason to be home.

I have been holding out for a Maine Coon to adopt. I keep explaining all the reasons that set the Maine Coon apart from other cats and think my family is starting to understand. Since Yeti would be an inside cat, he would have plenty of space to call home.

I really miss the warmth and love these gentle giants give.
Simba my deceased Maine Coon live to the old age of 13 and was very well cared far.

Please pick me, you couldn’t put Yeti in a more loving home.

Sep 01, 2023
by: Nelson

Hello, we have a MC about the same age. Neutered male, gets along with dogs.

How does Yeti interact with other cats?

Is Yeti a "cuddler" or an "explorer"? Our MC was a cuddler until about 1 year, then became more of an explorer - meaning he's more independent and likes to spend nights hunting instead of being in bed. Although he's still very affectionate.

We have homes in Houston and Nashville so perhaps it could work? Thanks.
My regular email is: NelsonPapucci@yahoo.com

You could also add me on FB. Thanks,
Nelson Papucci

Sep 01, 2023
Love him
by: Sue

I would love to have him. I live in Georgia. I had a diluted Blue tortie who lived 11 years before getting a blood cancer.

I have one more Maine Coon and a white shorthair. I am retired and have plenty of time for snuggling.

Sep 01, 2023
by: Anonymous

My Maine coon died and i haven’t found any other baby. I live in Georgia. I would love to have him

Sep 01, 2023
by: Doreen N

Hi Yeti,
Come live with me and my Maine Coon Galileo. We live in Plymouth Mass by the waterfront. We’d love to give you an amazing life.
Love, Doreen and Galileo

Sep 01, 2023
I would love to become his owner
by: Cherri Mcknight

He is gorgeous I am also in Texas around Dallas

Sep 01, 2023
Love the looks of Yeti!
by: Lyle

I'm looking for a companion for my 1 yr. Old calico registered female maine coon! They are close in age and I would give him a loving home! Thanks!

Sep 01, 2023
I am so sorry for you both
by: Anonymous

Man we live in Uvalde and have two Maine coons. We adore them and I stay home but I just worry about our two getting upset. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for both of you. This must be so hard. I hope you find the very best home for him.

Sep 01, 2023
by: margaret

I am interested in adopting yeti, but live in tn.. is it possible to ship him? I would pay for that.. I have a 4 year old maine coon myself. Margaret

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Adoptable Coonies


by: Peter O’Connor in Houston

Reason for Rehoming:

We are moving to an area with an HOA that limits us to 4 cats. Fluffy makes cat number 5. The 4 cats we are keeping are the less adoptable.


Fluffy is very affectionate and loves to snuggle. He will let you trim his nails without complaint. He doesn't take pills well.

We have medical records back to May 2016. He is currently being treated for bordetella. We can only think he got it from a brother-in-laws dog who was in another room in the house for a while.

Fluffy had access to this room after the dog left. He was rescued a number of years ago from our front yard. He is 8 - 9 years old.

He is sensitive to flea bites, so he gets flea medicine twice per month. He is an easy to stress kitty, so he needs to be in a calm place where he is not chased or threatened.

Comments for Adoptable Coonies

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Sep 02, 2023
by: Sheila

I have two feral cats 5 & 6 years old. BB is featured regular in Maine Coon posts. She is sitting in a window and has GLOWING eyes.

I am retired and love my cats Wheezie and BB (stands for black beauty).

Please let me have him!

Sep 01, 2023
My heart breaks for you
by: Anonymous

If he had a white strip up his nose through his forehead, he'd be a match for my "Little man" Boo (Boots)

Jun 22, 2023
Interested in adopting Fluffy
by: Judy C.

Hi, I recently (6 mos ago) lost my MC BiggieSmalls after 18 years. I miss him terribly and would be very interested in speaking w/ your regarding adoption of Fluffy. My email is jclymens@cox.net Thank you!

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