by Carrie Profenno: Author, Coonie Mama & lifelong Mainer
When I first met my Maine Coon kittens, it was love at first sight! They were even more beautiful than I could have imagined!
Of course, there was a lot of planning, prepping and a little new fur-baby anxiety, too.
From taking care of kittens, kitten names, to what to expect, it's all here!
What about Kitten Safety? Do you have your printable kitten safety checklist yet, with all the potential dangers and hazards?
This section is dedicated to those adorable Maine Coon kittens. It's a classic story. You walk in. You lock eyes with that tiny fur ball. You have a new friend for life! Who can resist? They are, after all, incredibly cute kittens!
There are a few topics specific to kittens. If you're considering or planning on getting one, read on.
Maine Coon kitten behavior includes a playful, affectionate personality, curiosity and independence. Their intelligence makes them excellent family members.
Whether you have a brand new kitten or you are considering getting one, you are likely full of questions.
What is a Coon kitten like? What do they eat? What about vet visits, and will he get along with the dog? This kitten primer is all about answering those new pet parent concerns.
This extensive section is loaded with cool names, tips, and naming ideas. If you haven't named your fur-baby yet, you'll find inspiration here:
Check out our fun naming pages:
Is your family ready for a kitten? Is the right cat breed for you? Young kittens are very delicate; their bones are still growing.
Kittens are born with all the bones they will ever have. The bones grow from the ends, to add length. They remain soft until about one year of age. This is where the growth plates are located.
So, my first thought before getting Maine Coon kittens was, who is already at home? If you have children, or a feisty dog, you'll need to be extra vigilant to keep him safe. This is an important consideration.
Our daughter was just two years old when we brought our Maine Coon kittens home. She was a very gentle child though, and I knew she was ready.
In addition, we had a Sheltie at that time. She was almost sixteen years old, and her favorite pass-time was napping!
In fact, those kittens had a ball disrupting her naps by batting her ears and jumping back to see her reaction. It was a hoot!
How much will it cost? This is a big factor for most of us. It's important to consider the variety of expenses involved in raising a kitten. Here's a brief run-down:
Taking care of Maine Coon kittens requires love, and a trip to the pet store! Make sure to go shopping for your kitten before you bring her home. I was surprised at how much stuff such a tiny creature needed.
There are a few basic "must haves" you'll need, and don't forget the fun "extras"! Print this list and bring it to the store with you!
Many future Coonie owners wonder, "when can Maine Coon kittens go home?" It’s something a lot of new owners wonder about. The excitement of bringing home a new little one is huge, and waiting can feel like the hardest part!
So, when can they go home? Most responsible breeders keep them until they’re at least twelve weeks old, with fourteen weeks being the standard.
While you are waiting for a kitten from a breeder, you may have heard about or be worried about Fading Kitten Syndrome.
Newborn Maine Coons need careful monitoring to grow strong. Responsible breeders track weight, provide extra feeding when needed, and keep them warm and safe.
Early vet care and round-the-clock attention help ensure a healthy start. Rest assured - ethical breeders work hard behind the scenes to give their little ones the best chance at thriving!
Do you have other pets? Maybe you are concerned about the introductions? How will you handle those first few days?
When adding a new member to the family, a little planning will go a long way. Read this section about introducing a new kitten.
Maine Coon kittens make great family pets, and great entertainment! Before you know it your new friend will be pouncing and leaping all over the place.
Your home will never be the same, and that will be just perfect!
The big day has arrived! Your kitten is finally old enough to come home! Are you ready? Have you kitten-proofed your home?
It's amazing how much trouble a small kitten can get into! Print this incredibly helpful page: Safety checklist for Maine Coon Kittens
No matter how "good" your new baby is, or how well prepared you are, you will have to go through the teething phase!
There may be some naughty biting that goes along with it.
With gentle guidance, you can manage their biting behavior and prevent any destructive habits from forming during this stage.
In this article about biting and teething, learn how to soothe your Coonie’s gums and encourage good behavior as they grow.
Top of: Maine Coon Kittens