Maine Coon Cat Care: 
For Long And Happy Lives!

by Author, lifelong Mainer & veteran Maine Coon owner

Maine Coon cat care is all about having a beautiful, happy, healthy pet! Sometimes taking care of cats seems like a lot of work, but it's really not!

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purebred red with white maine coon kitten posing

Between grooming, nutrition, litter box care, behavior, letting them outside, and more - there's a lot to consider.

No matter what breed your kitty is, you want to take the best care of him or her.

Whether Fluffy is looking a bit "scruffy", or you just wonder what's involved in having cats as pets, this is the place for you.

Grooming Time:

maine coon cat grooming herself

Maine Coon Grooming:
It can be a challenge keeping that coat in top condition!

There are a few tricks of the trade that will help, though.

Dealing with mats can be tricky for some, depending on whether brushing time is enjoyed by Kitty!

Grooming a cat means more than just brushing them, though. There are claws to be clipped, teeth to think about, and even bath time on occasion!

Maine Coon Cat Care: Nutrition

brown tabby cat eating from a food dish

Maine Coon Food:
Nutrition is a huge part of Maine Coon cat care.

Proper nutrition plays a large part in keeping cats healthy for as long as possible, and it's a factor completely in our control as cat parents!

Navigating diet and nutrition isn't as easy as it sounds. There is natural cat food, organic, holistic, even homemade cat food to choose from.

But which is the best cat food? And what about all those mysterious ingredients? Here is what you need to know about cat food ingredients. 

Maine Coons love water. Make sure there is always a supply of fresh water.

It should be the same quality of water that you drink. For example, at our house we have a well, and filter our drinking water. So our pets get filtered water, too.

Some of the most important house cat care tips are about their nutrition. After all, their health rides on it! As large cats, they can become overweight in middle age.

Your vet may recommend some weight management food.We all love a big Maine Coon cat, as long as he's at a healthy weight!

Litter Boxes and Litter Box Care

big brown maine coon cat exiting a covered litter box

Litter box care care is an important part of Maine Coon Cat care! There are so many tips on the subject that we have a whole section about it.

You'll want at least one uncovered litter box per cat, maybe in more than one location in the home. And the clumping litter is the most popular.

Hooded vs. open, how many boxes, what kind of litter, and how often to clean? It's all here. 

Occasionally pet parents have to deal with undesirable behavior in this area. This section is full of tips and advice for getting litter box behavior back on track.

Maine Coon Cat Care at Home:

Taking care of cats at home sometimes brings up questions such as "Should I let them outside?," "How do I introduce new pets to each other? or "will a cat be ok with a new baby?"

Maine Coon Cats as Pets:

Some people find felines to be unpredictable, but Maine Coon cats as pets are notoriously easy-going!

They get along great with kids, making them terrific family members. Cats and babies can even be best pals.

All About Indoor Cats and Outdoor Cats

Letting Cats Outside?
Our page of house cat care tips wouldn't be complete without this section. This is one of those subjects with two camps.

Those who firmly believe that they must let their cats outside in order to be happy. Or to fulfill some instinct. Or to get exercise. Then there are those who keep them indoors only.

As your pet's owner, this is totally up to you. But the facts are in. Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives.

They are perfectly happy and fulfilled when kept inside. Most vets agree it's part of responsibly taking care of cats.

When making your decision, go with the recommendations of your vet and breeder. They are the experts, and really know what's best. You want your beloved pet to live the longest, healthiest life possible. 

Our page on keeping Maine Coon Cats indoors is the place to share your opinions, tips and tricks on the subject!

For more discussion, check out our reader Q & A page all about letting cats outside, ways to keep them safe (like catios) and conversations about whether an indoor kitty can live a happy and fulfilled life.

gray and white cat outside on a leash

It's possible for your pet to get all the exercise he'll need right in the house. Just play with him!

Some families find outdoor cat enclosures to be the best solution. They can provide a nice alternative. Some handy folks have even built their own outdoor cat enclosures!

Maine Coons can be trained to go outdoors on a leash! As long as you are always right there, it can be fun for both of you! For those who do let their cats outside, visit our page on cold weather tips as well.

cat home alone on a couch

Leaving Cats Home Alone: For how long, and at what age can you leave a cat alone at home?

Whether it's long work days, away trips or an emergency, put a plan in place for those times when you have to leave.

Here, our community discusses leaving cats home alone, whether it's ok and for how long.

Readers share some excellent advice and experiences on how they keep their Coonies safe, happy and entertained when they have to be left home alone!

young brown and white maine coon cat playing with a toy

Taking care of cats means playing with them! Our Cat Games section is devoted to playtime, big toys, and homemade toys. Keeping kitty active is lots of fun! It's important for their happiness, too. Of course, playtime isn't completer without catnip! Have you ever wondered exactly what is catnip, and why cats love it so much?

Once a year, when the outdoors seems to come in, many cats can't resist playing in, or with, the Christmas Tree. It's cute, but can be dangerous when cats get into Christmas trees! 

Cats be really quirky, and one of their more endearing habits is hanging out in sinks!

Top of Maine Coon Cat Care

About this site: Welcome! Founded in 2010, MCCN has been helping owners and future owners of these gentle giants worldwide for over 14 years. With our regular additions of breed-specific articles, this has become the ultimate online location for breed information!

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