by Natalie
(San Jose)
I adopted my Maine Coon Dakota at 5 months of age. Several months later I adopted Emilie, who is 1 month younger than Dakota (Both are female and spayed). They are now both 1 year old now.
I cannot let them with each other for just 5 minutes before they start fighting each other. At first, Emilie was so sweet and never fought. Dakota caused her to become more defensive and now she begins fights.
I hired a behaviouralist online. They were very helpful, I started feeding them through puzzles only and separating them prior to fighting instead of noticing and then separating.
I play with them each night before bed and try to play throughout the day but I'm inconsistent. They suggested that I provide them with mental stimulation as well which is the one thing I have been bad about and haven't really done well with.
I am trying really hard. I love my Maine Coons so much and it breaks my heart seeing them like this with each other.
Thanks! :)
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