The Brown Tabby Maine Coon Cat Color

Classic and Beautiful

by Author, Coonie Mama & lifelong Mainer

Brown Tabby Maine Coon cats are so classic! My two Coonies were Classic Cameo Tabby (a light red, or cream color) and Black Smoke.

I'd really like a classic Brown Tabby for my next little one!

Over the years, some absolutely stunning Brown Tabby Maine Coons have been sent in to our monthly photo galleries.

Here are some beautiful cats and some fun facts for you to enjoy!

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brown tabby maine coon cats

Fun Fact:

As you probably know, this popular breed can come in a wide variety of colors!

This page is part of our color series, so be sure to visit some of our others.

Solid Black Maine Coons are very striking. Blue Smoke is unusual, solid red is quite rare, and don't forget the beautiful pure white cats with their fascinating masking gene!

I'm partial to the red tabby color, of course, so we also have a page dedicated to the vibrant red color.

Next up will be a page dedicated to silver Coonies.

There are so many different color combinations, but I don't think any of them are quite as classic as the traditional brown.

I think it's impossible to pick a favorite coat color!

brown tabby maine coon catMcGregor

Marvelous McGregor, a brown tabby Maine Coon from Latvia, really has that handsome classic look!

Evita in Riga, Latvia shares: "Thanks to this handsome guy I absolutely LOVE Maine Coons now, starting from the wild looks and their personality, oh, and they are so smart! :)"

Oh, yes, they really are!

female brown tabby maine coonRaeiya

Raeiya - Queen of Beds:

I simply cannot get over those emerald green eyes! Raeiya is royalty, indeed.

Ken in Merrimac, MA, USA shares: "When Raeiya is laying on it, every bed is queen-size."

pretty female brown maine coonJosie

Meet Josie from Colossal Cats in Florida!
Taylor in Tampa, Fl shares, "Josie is the most easy going of all our cats, she just hangs out on the high shelves watching everyone.

Her mane gets huge, and she has the cutest hairy toes!! Her lynx ears are impressive as well. We love this gentle giant, and she is a wonderful mother."

What a beautiful brown tabby Maine Coon Cat!

All About The Brown Tabby Maine Coon: Different Patterns:

Did you know there are multiple tabby patterns?

According to breed standards, a Brown Tabby Maine Coon (or other tabby colors including a Red or Silver) may be:

  • Classic,
  • Mackerel, or
  • Ticked

The classic pattern has wider markings and a swirl shape on the side, whereas the mackerel pattern is described as having more narrow pencil-like markings.

Both are clearly defined and both have the M on the forehead.

A ticked pattern has the full tabby markings on its head and legs.

The body will not have a noticeable pattern, but the hairs will be "ticked," meaning if you look closely at each individual hair, it will be marked with bands of alternating colors. It might have a salt-and-pepper look.

Of course, with the shaggy coats and bushy tails of a Maine Coon, it can sometimes be difficult for the average cat lover to tell which pattern they are looking at!

What Determines a Maine Coon’s Tabby Pattern?

The reason some cats have bold stripes while others have a more blended or solid look comes down to the agouti gene.

This gene controls whether a cat’s fur will have banded hairs - creating the classic tabby appearance - or a uniform color.

If a cat inherits at least one copy of the agouti gene, its coat will display a pattern, whether in stripes, swirls, or spots.

On the other hand, if both copies are the recessive non-agouti variant, the fur will appear as a solid shade, such as black, blue, or cream.

However, even solid-colored cats often carry hidden tabby genetics! You might notice faint "ghost" striping, especially in kittens or under certain lighting conditions.

For brown tabbies, the agouti gene works together with specific pigments to create those rich, warm tones and distinctive patterns.

This combination gives them their signature wild, rugged look - one of the most iconic and beloved appearances in the breed!

classic brown tabby maine coonMarley

Thornplum Marley:
I don't think it gets any more classic than this photo of Marley!

Sharon in Brooklin, Maine shares: "Marley is 4. He is the sweetest most loving cat; my constant companion.

He is very vocal and still has a kitten voice and very much a kitten personality. He loves the outdoors and is forever asking to go out in his pen, even in the winter!"

cute brown maine coon kittenLuigi

Little Luigi:
Luigi from our Winter 2016 Album is a great example of the Brown Tabby Maine Coon with the Classic Tabby pattern.

Joel in New Jersey says: "In late January we added a new member to our family.  

"Little" Luigi is our first Coonie. We already have two Oriental Shorthairs who have welcomed our precious newcomer."

classic brown tabby maine coon kittenMontgomery

Patrick in Ontario, Canada shares his sweet boy: "Montgomery is a purebred Maine Coon from the Lilicoon breeders in Quebec, Canada. 

He has been a little adorable fur ball from day one. He sometimes crawls into bed, sleeps on his back with his head on the pillow. This never fails to elicit a giggle from us. 

He's definitely a clown. He can get a little overly rambunctious when he's playing/hunting, but that generally involves him rolling off the couch or some other bit of silliness.

He was named after the famous WWII allied general."

"What color eyes will a brown tabby Maine Coon have?"

These beauties can have a variety of eye colors! Blue eyes are only allowed in a solid white cat or a cat with white.

So a brown tabby Maine Coon Cat will have green, gold, or green-gold eyes.

But, a brown with white, like Luke below, may have one or two blue eyes! How special!

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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"What does it mean to have a cat With White?"

A cat that is brown tabby with white will be brown, with white chest (bib), belly, and all paws.

Cats with Van coloring are mainly white, with coloring limited to the head and tail, and sometimes a small part on the body.

Van cats can have any most color presenting in their colored areas, including black, red, or brown tabby.

Even within the Brown Tabby Maine Coon Cat Color, a number of patterns and different looks are possible!

brown tabby and white maine coonLuke

Luscious Luke:
Luke looks like he may be a Van!

He is just over a year old in this photo, where Pat in Freeville NY shares: "He has one blue eye and one golden eye. I caught him snuggling up to a duck figurine on my mother's porch and he looks so sweet and beautiful! He has gorgeous ear tufts too.

He also has a "wonky" tail. We had him x-rayed and the tail bone comes out from his body and does a complete loop, like a pigtail. This means he cannot raise his tail. Instead it just hangs down. But even so, he is the most beautiful boy!"

brown tabby and white maine coonBen Cartwright

Big Beautiful Ben Cartwright:
This gorgeous boy knows how to show off in his brown coat!

Pamela in San Diego shares: "Ben Cartwright is such is big love. He has been in lots of cat shows. People love to take his photo. He is very funny and snuggles all the time.

I named him after the memory of watching Bonanza with my dad many years ago. I feel very lucky to have such an amazing Coonie."

"What color paw pads will a Brown Tabby Maine Coon Have?"

According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association breed standard, paw pads and nose color (called leather) in these brown tabby cats of black or brown is desirable.

In brown patched tabby color, which has patches of red, brick red is also considered desirable. [1]

brown maine coon catSir Arthur

Sir Arthur Brandybuck of Addison Downs:
Arthur is the handsome brown tabby Maine Coon brother of Marley, above! What a family!

Sharon tells us: "Arthur is 13 and weighs 20 Lbs.

He is a big boned boy but is missing the 'I'm full' gene so keeping him at 20 Lbs is a challenge! He loves playtime on the lawn and leash walks through the woods."

"What is the difference between a brown tabby cat and a Maine Coon?"

Brown Tabby is a coloring. It's a color pattern that any domestic house cat such as domestic shorthair, domestic medium hair or domestic long hair (DSH, DMH, DLH) can have.

These cats (and the vast majority of house cats) are a mixture of many breeds.

In contrast, a Maine Coon is not a style of cat, but a breed, like Ragdolls, or Bengals, or Persian cats or other breeds.

So although a Maine Coon Cat comes in many different colors and is a natural breed, it is a purebred cat, found through reputable breeders.

brown maine coonEnzo

Classic Enzo:
Amy in SC shares: "This is Enzo. He is 2 years old. He is such a sweet boy.

He is my talkative one. He is always trilling. His most favorite thing to do is fetch the cat spring toys. He is obsessed with those."

brown maine coon cat outsideAugustine

Awesome Augustine:
Joanna Lambe in Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom shares her special boy Augustine:

"He weighs in at 22lbs and is a gentle giant. A very pampered kitty, who loves his heated throw, now that it’s getting colder. We live in Northern Ireland.

I got my first two Maine Coon brown tabby brothers back in 1996, one of which lived till he was eighteen.

Took me a while after he passed away to come around to getting another, but Augustine, who usually answers to Buddy, is a very special boy!"

These Brown Tabby Maine Coon cats are so amazing and beautiful inside and out! I can't imagine a more purr-fect furry family member.

Brilliant Browns in Pictures

Meet these beautiful, brilliant, bodacious Brown Maine Coon Cats! Let's celebrate the classic Brown Tabby Maine Coon color today!


by Deb Jones
(Fort Collins, CO, USA)

guinness the brown tabby maine coon on green backgroundPint O'Guinness

Pint O'Guinness is our CFA National Winner. He is the love of my life and SO very smart. He opens doors, drawers and cabinets in the blink of an eye. Guinness loved showing and was quite the ham, enjoying all the attention. Love, Love, Love this boy!!

Sergy With White Mitts

by Charles Dove
(San Antonio, Texas)

brown and white maine coon cat
brown and white maine coon boy
brown and white maine coon cat

This is my boy Sergiy. He is a year and a half old. Full of energy and spoiled as a cat can be.

He knows that he is the center of attention and he rules the house. He is smart and affectionate. He loves to sleep with us at night.


by Rachel
(Northampton England)

beautiful brown ziggy

Ziggy is 9 years old and lives with his Cavapoochon brother Teddy. Ziggy and Teddy live in England.

Ziggy is a full blood Maine Coon whose grandparents won were best in breed in various cat shows.

Ziggy likes to keep a check on the small cul de sac he lives in and visits all his neighbours gardens. His most favourite pastime is eating, Ziggy loves food very much.


by Nance McShane
(Waitsfield, VT, USA)

handsome brown maine coon laying on wood floor
brown tabby maine coon on top of cabinet
brown maine coon boy on counter
upside down maine coon laying belly up

Our MCC name is Russian for gray. Our Cattery told us that these kittens father is a Russian MCC.

When we had to pick our kitten it was hard. All three were so similar. We decided one had 4 gray paws thus Szary.

He will be 1 next month and we have had such a wonderful year with our precious Szary.

Mercedes aka Sadie Mae

by Lorrie
(Westport Island, Maine US)

pretty brown purebred maine coon cat

Mercedes is a sweet, gentle cat. We absolutely adore her! 😻


by Ruth
(Cobourg, ON, Canada)

handsome brown maine coon on an armchairWilly

Handsome boy Willy Is almost nine years old and just as handsome as ever. Not sure he is a pure bred as his providence is not known. Ruth from Cobourg, Ontario, Canada.


fluffy brown cat in the sunshineSchmoozie
fluffy brown cat yawningTired of being so cute
cute brown kitty in the sunshineBeing cute is hard work
longhaired brown tabby kittymy happy place

Schmoozie meaning cuddle bug in German is exactly that... I find her to be beautiful and fluffy and i think she does too because she loves to be brushed and will walk back and forth in front of the mirror looking at herself.

She does have the cutest freckle on her nose. She follows me everywhere, waits for me at the door when she hears the garage and is a big talker... especially when she has decided she is hungry or deserves a treat.

Every night she will lay on me while we watch TV and rival the TV volume with her purrs. And she must make sure she can hold my hand or arm with her little toesies. Needless to say she is spoiled rotten as she should be... :-) Love her so much!!


by Terry Russo
(Staten Island, NY, USA)

amber the brown with white maine coon laying on wood floor

My dearest darling Amber was born outside as part of a feral litter. She had a twin brother, but he didn't make it. She came inside to live with us.

She lived to be 21 years old. She was half Maine Coon, and half who knows what, but she looked like the classic Brown Maine Coon. My beautiful Amber.

After Amber passed, I had sung a song for her at a couple of music gatherings. the Song was "Brown eyed Girl" by Van Morrison. She was my Brown Eyed Girl.


by Dee

porcha the brown and white kitty

My rescue cat Porcha, she’s 11 now, the sweetest girl ever , she loves to lie by me or on me, the windowsill is another favourite place, she has bought me so much joy, to give her a home was the best decision I ever made.


by Wendy

fluffy brown kitty on tile floor
brown cat in a box
brown tabby looking up

She was beautiful and a princess. She could be a little feisty at times but mostly sweet and lovable.

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striking purebred maine coon with invitation to sign up for the coonie care crash course.

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[1] Maine Coon Cat Breed Standard - The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. (n.d.). The Cat Fanciers’ Association. Retrieved February 11, 2022, from