Cats In Sinks -

Photos Galore!

What is it about cats in sinks? Perhaps it's the size, the shape, the way they produce fresh water, or maybe it's just because it is so fun for a cat to be right in the way!

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Whatever the reason, it sure is cute when a kitty decides to take a nap right in the sink.

We have collected quite a few sink photos over time, so here they are all in one place - Enjoy! (Each one is marked with the Photo Album he or she also appears in).

Maine Coons do indeed like water!

Connor the cat looking for some water

Conner (April 2012) is trying to turn the faucet back on!

Liam the cat looks cozy in the sink

Liam Neeson (April 2012) is quite the character, who likes to watch the birds and squirrels, is very vocal, and extremely expressive!

Mitty in the bathroom by the sink

Mitty (July 2012), who was found in a park as a kitten, loves the water.

Thomas found a big sink

Thomas (May 2012) is quite the charmer, and he loves water.

Captain likes the sink

Here is Captain (May 2012) in the sink!

Harley barely fits in this sink

Here is Harley (March 2012) hanging our in the sink.

Baby Brady found the sink

Baby Brady! Mr. Brady, (February 2013), is enjoying a BIG NH winter!

Meeko matches the bathroom

Meeko, (February 2013), is a White Maine Coon Cat- she's the only girl in the house with 6 brothers.

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Squidward in a kitchen sink

Squidward (Dec 2011) drinks from the faucet, plays with the water, and even sticks his head under it, and trashes the kitchen with the plastic bags.

Akourah in the sink

Akourah (Spring 2011)is a lovely companion who likes to follow Helen from room to room.

Sammy the tabby cat sitting in a kitchen sink

Whether it's the sink, the rug in front of the sink or on the rug it's a guarantee you'll find Sammy (July 2012) there!

kitten in a sink

Mr. Low (Aug 2012) loves water from the bathroom sink - it's his favorite thing to do.

Ozzy peeking out from his spot in a sink

Funny, playful Ozzy (Jan 2013) loves a good game of fetch.

Spookley the ginger kitty curled up in a sink

Spookley, (February 2013), is named after the children's book "Spookley the Square Pumpkin"

Princess the cat sleeping in a sink

Princess, (December 2012) is a boy kitty who was thought at first to be a girl, and the name stuck!"

Leo the big maine coon in the bathroom sink

Our Leo used to nap in sinks more often than he does now.

Gigi the cat hanging out in a sink

Gi-Gi, (Feb 2013), is a funny girl with a big personality - and she loves water!

charlie the cat curled up in a sink

Charlie, (Feb 2013), is a talker, purr-er, greeter, and is obsessed with water!

Phoebe the longhaired siamese cat laying in a bathroom sink

Phoebe (Oct 2012) in her favorite spot.. The bathroom sink.

dexter the cat drinking out of a sink

Dexter (Oct 2012) loves drinking from the bathroom sink, playing in cardboard boxes, walks in the backyard.

Kidd-E Reese the Maine Coon Cat in a sink

Kidd~E Reese (Feb 2012) is a big love who shows how to fit just right into the sink.

Koksyk the Maine Coon Cat in a sink

Koksyk (Feb 2013) is a smart boy who knows tricks like sit, stay, come, and my fave, give me your paw.

Top of Cats in Sinks

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