I have two feral cats 5 & 6 years old. BB is featured regular in Maine Coon posts. She is sitting in a window and has GLOWING eyes.
I am retired and love my cats Wheezie and BB (stands for black beauty).
Please let me have him!
Sep 01, 2023
My heart breaks for you by: Anonymous
If he had a white strip up his nose through his forehead, he'd be a match for my "Little man" Boo (Boots)
Jun 22, 2023
Interested in adopting Fluffy by: Judy C.
Hi, I recently (6 mos ago) lost my MC BiggieSmalls after 18 years. I miss him terribly and would be very interested in speaking w/ your regarding adoption of Fluffy. My email is jclymens@cox.net Thank you!