Favorite Halloween Costumes

For Kittens and Cats This Season

Looking for Halloween costumes for cats? The leaves are falling, the kids are excited, so why leave out the pets? Pet cat costumes are a fun way to get into the spirit!

Cat Halloween costumes have come a long way in the last few years! The new ones are not only adorable, they're safer too. Look for easy velcro straps, no strings, and simplicity.

After all, cats don't really love dressing up. The least we can do is pick something simple and comfy!

Here are 5 well-reviewed, adorable Halloween costumes for cats:

Cute Halloween Costumes For Cats #1:
Cat Bat Wings

It's no wonder this is a Top Pick in Cat Costumes. With over 3,000 reviews and an average rating or 4.5 stars, the results are in - adorable all the way!

Some things to keep in mind: Some reviewers mention their chunkier sized cats not fitting. So this costume may not be right size for a large Maine Coon. Other than that, the price is right, and these bat wings are adorable.

Helpful to note:
One reviewer notes that the bat wings fit her 10lb Maine Coon mix, but just barely and with not much room to spare, so this costume isn't for large cats

See pricing and availability: Bat Wings Cat Halloween Costume

Cute Halloween Costumes For Cats #2:
Lion Mane Cat Costume

This has to be one of the most adorable Halloween costumes for cats I've seen. So clever! It should fit cats with a wide girth, since it's just a head piece. 

Reviewers note that it looks just like the picture, is stretchy, and attaches with velcro under the chin. Large size is recommended.

Most agree that it's super cute and hilarious!

Helpful to note:

Reviewers note that this costume is perfect (and hilarious) for ginger cats. What better way to bring out their inner lion? Also, it's reported to fit even the biggest of kitties, important for many Coonie owners.

See pricing and availability: Lion Mane Halloween Costume For Cats

Cute Halloween Costumes For Cats #3:
Jingle Jingle, Trick or Treat!

I love the fact that this can fit any size cat. Maine Coons can be big, and a lot of the costumes online turn out to best fit a kitten or petite cat. 

Plus, it's only a hat and collar - with bells! How fun! And fully adjustable. Kitty may not leave it on long, but how cute would this be in holiday photos?

Helpful to note:

Cat lovers report that their fur-kids don't usually mind this collar. Some find the jingle bells adorable, and others find them annoying. Also the hat doesn't stay on too long, so all in all this one may be just for pictures.

See pricing and availability: Cat Halloween Costume - Hat + Collar w/Bells

Cute Halloween Costumes For Cats #4:
She's a Princess and She Knows It

I feel like most of us view our girl cat as our princess. Or, maybe she makes it clear she reigns supreme!

Either way, every princess deserves something pretty to wear!

The best thing about this cute costume is that it can be used for more than just Halloween. She can totally dress up for her birthday too!

Helpful to note:

Cat lovers report that this adorable costume is either surprisingly well made, or cheaply made but perfect for the price. Go figure! I think that means it's well made for the price. Plus it doesn't look too annoying for kitty to wear, so she may actually keep it on for a bit.

See pricing and availability: Pretty Princess Cat Costume

Cute Halloween Costumes For Cats #5:
Halloween Bandanas

Let's face it, at this point our cats are saying, "no more hats and headpieces!" - That's why a simple bandana is great. It really shouldn't bother him or her too much, and it can be tied to any size. Even nice and loose so they can wriggle out if they want.

But still festive, and super cute. Perfect compromise! 

Helpful reviews:

These bandanas are really well-reviewed! They have little ties that some people love and others cut off, so that is totally up to the individual. The ties are pretty short, so should be safe.

See pricing and availability: Halloween Banadana 4-pack

Halloween Costumes For Cats Are Fun For The Whole Family!

gray maine coon cat wearing a halloween mask

Halloween and cats can go hand in hand! Here are a few things to remember if you are getting your cats dressed up for Halloween:

At Halloween, Black Cats Rule!

Black cats are the quintessential cat of Halloween, the classic witches cat. If you have a black cat, like I do, you can't help but feel it's his or her holiday! The Halloween black cat is special. Here are some ideas:

Take a picture of your black cat in an interesting spooky scene. Get creative! Maybe it would even make a great greeting card! There are lots of ways you can decorate with pictures.

Put your black cat in costume! Maybe he'd make a great vampire, wizard, or something else dark. Halloween costumes for cats come in lots of variety nowadays. Or just a simple orange ribbon tied around his neck for a cute photo. (Under supervision, of course.)

Keep your Halloween black cats indoors, especially on this night of nights. Why? Folks are out and about, and a dark cat is more likely to be hit by a car or worse. This is a time of superstitions, and she'll be subject to unwanted attention.

What if she crosses someone's path? Also, you can never be too cautious when it comes to Halloween black cats. Best to get her in before dusk.

Which Pet Cat Costumes To Pick?

There are lots of cute Halloween costumes for cats on the market! As the season draws closer, this page will showcase a nice selection, so be sure to bookmark and come back.

Tips For Getting Cats Dressed Up For Halloween

fluffy brown tabby cat wearing a halloween themed vest

Turns out, cats don't love wearing pet cat costumes. Go figure! So it's best to keep it short, take a picture or two, then let her out of her cat costume. You cat always try it on again later.

Also, take note of the Halloween costume's material and general construction. Depending on the costume style, it could have things to beware of:

  • Strings and ties, though good for chasing, pose a choking hazard
  • Velcro can attach to fur, causing panic
  • Small pieces and crinkly plastic may get chewed on

So, it's best to provide supervision when cats are dresses up for Halloween.

If your cat is not patent with costumes, consider just a themed ribbon or a cute hat. Then you can quickly take it off after your photo shoot.

Getting cats dressed up for Halloween is cute and fun! I hope you've enjoyed our page of tips and Halloween costumes for cats. Trick or Treat!

Top of Halloween Costumes for Cats