I Love My Maine Coon(s)

We love our furbabies so much! They bring light, love and joy into our lives. Here, you get to tell everyone what makes your Maine Coon so special.

He is always up on me when I am trying to do something
By: Lyndon West in Corner Brook, NK

What can I say about my Coon OZZY? He is my boy, if he is not sleeping, he seems to investigate what I am doing. He is very territorial when we are outside, and he loves the outdoor enclosure that I built for him.

He can go out in his enclosure in the night time when I am sleeping at night with no fear. He cannot be harmed when he is in his enclosure, and he knows that. I LOVE MY BOY.

Still Play Like Kittens
By: Susan in Wisconsin

They love to play with me, but when they play on their own it's like two little kittens. They completely forget that they are big cats.

I just love watching them jump around, it's hilarious!

Loving and Sweet
By: Cheryl in North Carolina

He is soooo loving and sweet! He is curious to a fault, and has caused a few accidents throughout the house. He is beautiful to look at and sooo soft! He is very affectionate and cuddly.

Plays Dress-Up
By: Traci in Yorkshire, UK

He's beautiful and my little girl dresses him up in a mop cap and dress and pushes him around in a buggy!

So Much Fun!
By: Patti in Arkansas

My little girl, Willow, is my alarm clock. She gets up by my face in the morning and pats at my check until I get up. She is also a talker and we seem to be having regular conversations.

My big boy, Timmie, is so much fun! He isn't a lap cat, but he will head butt me when I sit down to get my attention. When he thinks I've been at the computer too long, he jumps on the table and rubs his head against my face.

Both of my Maine Coons are loving and gentle. I only see their claws out when they are climbing. They are so much fun to watch and interact with.

They Are Both So Companionable
By: Marjie in the UK

Both follow me round the house all day, where ever I am there's a Coonie sticking it's nose in. I look after my disabled husband 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Which can be stressful at times.

But both my Maine Coons are happy to listen and chat when I feel like talking to someone. I love them both very much.

I love my Maine Coon because...
By: Cat Williams in KY

Every morning he waits outside the shower for me to emerge and don my robe and then he requests to be picked up and held like a baby (burping position) so that we can rub our faces together and snuggle for a minute or two before I brush my teeth and do the rest of my morning ritual.

It's the only time he wants to be picked up and will turn away if I try it any other time. He looks me right in the eye and talks to me with his teeny little voice. He makes a sound like mimicking an old style telephone.

He has a thing for string but especially loves red string. His favorite toys are hair scrunchies. He plays soccer with them and will pick them up and carry them around the house in his mouth like a dog. I love him because he picked us!

How Can I Count The Ways?
By: Theresa Welty in Jacksonville, FL

My special boy, Max, is the 4th Maine Coon I've had in a row. I just adore this breed! He's smart as a whip, funny and SO very affectionate.

He's my buddy, my pal and my best friend. I just adore him!

My Maine Coon Loves Me And Only Me
By: Sarah in Ohio
Beast has been in the family for a decade. She hung out around my parents but never cuddled. I recently moved in with them and spent a lot of time in bed due to illness.

At first, true to her name, Beast bit me a lot and wasn't immediately friendly. She would come for treats and play but when it came to touch, she would purr and seem like she wanted me to pet her but then soon she'd hiss and bite me. That has been her reputation in the family for years.

After a number of months of being together as I've recovered from a major illness, it's clear she's chosen me as her person. She's never cuddled with anyone until now. She lets me brush her and rub her belly. She purrs at me and yowls for treats. I feel so much satisfaction from our progress because it took time and effort to get to know her body language and now it's very rare that she will hiss or bite.

She's gone from being in the room near me but not on me to climbing all over me. I needed a friend and it feels like she really loves me. We have a special dialogue and there's so much non-verbal communication and time that's gone into working out our relationship.

I've had lovey cuddly cats and seen other people with cats that are just love sponges. My Beast is just for me and no one else, even though my parents got her about 10 years ago. She doesn't snuggle with either of them and it's nice to feel special.

Marco Polo, The Gentle Giant
By: Nicky in Connecticut

I love my Marco Polo because he's goofy and amazing at the same time. My big boy knows how I feel. He's there to lick my tears when I am depressed and cry or he is happy and playful when I am happy.

He gives me the best facial every night and he likes to have a chat every time I come back home. He comes where I am (even when I need to powder my nose. He learnt to open the bathroom door).

He's also my baby and every night he wants to be picked up and taken to the sliding door and we watch and comment together the wonderful view outside. That's my Marco Polo, my very gentle giant.

Love From A Deaf Coonie
By: Randy in British Columbia

My Coon is special because she is about 95% deaf. She is a tortie with all of her toe leather being different colors. Training a deaf cat is a challenge, but I love her dearly and I know she loves me back.

Independent Boy
By: Arlene in Florida

I dearly love my handsome Coonie! He is very vocal and laid back, however he does not want you to pick him up and hold him. He's very independent and prefers to be loved. on only on his terms!

Loves To Talk
By: Rosie in The United Kingdom

She loves to talk and has us all wound her long paw! She relates to all of us in different ways, even the dog (who was part of the family first)

Unconditional Love
By: Sarah in California

Because he loves me back-unconditionally! No matter where I am in the house, he's never far behind. As a kitten he used to insist on being picked up and carried around whilst doing chores- I even sat him in a hoisted baby carrier on my chest so I could get the wash done!

If I make a sad sound, am crying or sick, he will run to me immediately without being called and sit with me until I am well. One night I had food poisoning and I was stuck in the bathroom all night. When I awoke the next morning, he was still there, half laying on me.

Maine Coons will love you deeply and forever, so do the same to them. Take care of them and protect them and they will be your best friend, confidant and protector for the rest of your life.

Greeter & Helper
By: Tawnya in California

He's my best friend, my helper, he greets me when I come home every night, he watches as I drive away each morning. He plays fetch with me. And the best, he snuggles me!

I Love My Maine Coon because...
I have had the pleasure of being owned by a blue-grey & white Maine Coon. I got him when he was 1.5 yrs old. He was the sweetest cat; loving, affectionate, greeted me at the door and wanted to be in the same room with me always. He was so giant and fluffy but had the quiet, higher pitched meow of a kitten.

He was completely unaware of how large he was and had no concept of where he could fit. I gave up keeping anything on my coffee table. One stretch or flick of his tail and everything would be on the floor.

He liked water and would lay in puddles on the floor after I showered. It was like his fur was water resistant.

He was not independent or fickle like other cats I have had. He was friendly with guests but was most definitely a "Mama's boy". He was not a lap cat but always laid up against me or at the very least, with his head or paw resting on me. He had a great motor-boat purr!

If you want an independent cat you can leave alone, this is not the cat for you. Maine Coons need to be near their person/people.

Exfoliates My Face
By: Tory in Portland, Oregon

She greets me every morning on the toilet! Her trills, and big cat stretches show me her happiness. We rescued one another. She was found in a family members backyard, only weighing a pound. After having a Siamese Himalayan for 16 years, Tootsie. I could not bear to bring myself another lovebug, nobody could live up to her. Five years later, my cousin, a vet tech in Sacramento called explaining she was on a mission to find her a home. She drove her 10 hours up to Portland, and of course I feel in love immediately!

One year later, she is spoiled rotten and her best friend is our American Eskimo, Roxy. She is strictly indoor, but a great bug hunter! Compared to Tootsie she is extremely active and isn't much of a lap cat. I love her just the same, she is who she is! And she constantly makes of chuckle, especially when she watches cat videos on youtube!

Zephyr's unique Maine Coon trills, are delightful and such a distinctive trait. She must have her fresh grown wheatgrass too! In short, she has been such a blessing to have, she is my little Boo-Boo.

Comments for I Love My Maine Coon(s)

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Our Loving Maine Coon Spenser Pretends To Be A "Tough Guy"
by: Anonymous

We find our Spenser unique as a gentle giant. He understands a dozen (directions) and pays attention for the most part.

He follows all the Maine Coon behavior patterns plus a few of his own. Such as smacking or gently pushing his paws on you for attention. If that doesn't work, he will grab your ankle or "quack" loudly.

If he wants you to follow, he walks away with his huge bushy tail in the air, and stops every few steps to look back and make certain you are doing exactly that. Generally he leads us to the kitchen or to a shelf in the computer room where we keep another set of treats.

We have learned to live with Spenser's foibles - drinking water with his feet after pawing the ground is one, picking up dried food and hurling it about, to jump and chase the food is another.

We rarely find him in our bed, yet love it when he visits. He faithfully follows Maine Coon behavior such as waiting outside doors, lying directly in pathways, also following one in and out of rooms.

He eats turkey every morning before his official buffet begins. A greater, more loving companion would be hard to find. And yes, he sits beside us at the table, while on the computer or watching TV, and he loves to sit on the toilet and watch his Father shave!

We do not have current pix on his website - these are 5 years old and he is now full grown - from tip of front paws to end of tail, just over 4 feet. Not a record, just a large, loving 23 lb long Maine Coon.

Comments For Spenser:

Scrappy my buddy.
by: Carol

Hi, my Scrappy has most all of the same habits. He likes to eat his food with his feet like a spoon, and loves to play in the water...He always paws at the side of his water bowl and he really enjoys his water fountain...He does the follow me thing too and sits out on the railing of our deck and motions for me to come out with him...He likes to play with our rat terrier mix. I have never seen a dog try to breed a cat. And She is a female. He grabs her head and they both fall on the floor. Too funny...I agree there is no better buddy, he makes my heart happy....

Cool Cat
by: Susan Melching

Your Spenser sounds like a lot of fun. My Chester does a lot of the same things. If you don't follow him, he'll get right in your face and meow and if that doesn't work, he'll pretend to bite your nose! Aren't they a riot?

Spenser Da Man
by: Gail (Quincy, MA, USA)

What a cool dude you've got there! That photo seems like he's saying: "Ya, I'm the tough guy around here!"

Judging by your description of his behavior, he's a well-adjusted, independent Maine Coon cat, through and through, LOL! His behavior is the same as my Abby's. If you don't follow her when SHE decides, she'll come back in the room and smack your leg and trill at you or jump on the bed/chair and head butt you until you do. So sweet.

Handsome, Smart, and Playful. Everything you want from your cat
by: Connie in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

He is handsome, smart and playful.

Everything you want from your cat. He loves to go for walks in his kitbag with his family.

Too Cool
by: Joann & Bubba

That is great, I wish I could get my kitties to do that. I would need the stroller for Bubba,no way would I pack him around, he is just a little too big, Your cat is beautiful.

Update: Bailey was a wonderful Cat. We lost him in April 2010 after 14 amazing years.

He loved to go for a walk in a kit bag strapped to the front of us. We miss him dearly. We have now adopted 2 rescue kittens.

He Is Such A Weirdo!
by: Anonymous

He always sleeps on his back, belly up, with paws stretched out behind his head.

His favorite toy is one of my hair bands which he will flip up into the air with his paws and catch in his teeth or on his belly.

He loves to go on walks outside and took to a harness and leash almost immediately.

He has imaginary foes that he stalks and with leaping pounces, defeats.

He stands on his hind legs and talks to me in a mixture of chirps and kitten mews.

He adores long tummy rubs.

He's my little man.

I love My Maine Coon because
by: Catherine Cote in Montreal

He closes the light by jumping on the wall, when I don't give him the attention he wants!!

He always surprise me with tricks.

He doesn't come to me when I call his name !!

She's A Tiny Girl!
by: Lori in Denver

My Maine Coon was rescued by my daughter from an apartment complex. Although we don't know her whole history, we believe that she had been mistreated. She suffered some kind of injury to her voice box because she could hardly meow when we got her. She's gotten better, but her meow is very soft and kind of scratchy.

She doesn't like to be held, but she doesn't fight you if you are holding her. She chooses when to be affectionate and it's wonderful when she is.

I Love Maine Coons Because... I Have Had 3!
by: Andrea in South Carolina

I currently have a female. She is 8 months old. I love them because of their dedicated and unconditional love to their owners.

I love how she follows me around the house as I do my daily chore routine. I love how she carries on a conversation to me with that wonderful chirping she does.

I love it when she knows I don't feel good and she somehow just knows to sit on me or by my side. They are wonderful felines I will forever be in love with my Sangria!

He Is Ever Curious About Where I Am And What I Am Doing
by: Helen from Fife

Billy, my one year old, is just a wonderful companion. He follows me around like a wee dog and rubs heads with my son, age 7 yrs, when he is crouched on the floor playing or reading.

His favourite game is fetch with curled up pipe-cleaners. He is very clever at sniffing them out when they are thrown into corners or into a box full of stuff.

He hurtles up and down the stairs after them and brings them back, dropping them at my feet. He has large, moony eyes with a wondering, intelligent expression and holds you with them to get what he wants.

He is ever so gentle with those huge velvety paws but very dexterous too (if cats can be so!). He is the best goalie ever. All in all I could not imagine life without Billy now.

Whilst not like other domestic cats I have known, in that he does not like to be confined in a hug and he is not very vocal, except when hungry, he is a best, loyal friend.

Coonie Greetings
by: Sassy in Washington

She is always there to greet me after a long day at work. She tells me all that's been going while I have been gone. In her. Pussy cat voice.

So Sweet
by: John in Pennsylvania

Sweetest cat I've ever known

He's Funny When He's Naughty
by: Pat in South Carolina

My Maine Coon, Rusty, is too funny! He knows that the treats are kept in a cookie jar on the buffet. When he wants a treat, he jumps on the buffet, then onto the microwave, stand on his bag legs and swats a painting on the wall.

This gets my attention! I hate rewarding this "bad" behavior, but I know why he does it, so of course, he gets a treat! He is the most loving little man with a tail that every Maine Coon would be envious of. I believe it is almost 14 inches and he's only seven months old.

He Gives Hugs
by: Anne in Maryland

He never forgets to give me a big hug, with his paws around my neck, when I pick him up.

Lola The Diva, The Love Of My Life
by: Yvonne in (Baltimore, MD)

Lola the Diva, the love of my life!

I love my Maine Coon because she is very patient with me. As a cat owner and therefore to the breed I was not sure what to expect. Lola is a rescue cat and building our relationship has been an experience.

Lola has trained me just as much as I have trained her and it has been enlightening. We have an easy give and take including our after breakfast naps, our shared lunchtime and our alone times.

As a single retired woman I was used to doing pretty much what I wanted when I wanted. Lola has shown me that including someone else in my daily plans is really okay.

We cuddle, usually when she wants to, and we eat at the same time. She has shown me the importance and benefits of a daily nap. We are having a good time getting to know each other.

I also love her because she wakes me up in the morning and after I have taken care of her needs - feeding her, putting out fresh water and cleaning the litter box - I can move right into my day. She is my buddy!

Loyal Companion
by: Linda in Cornelius, North Carolina

Ricky is my loyal companion and helper. He hops in the dryer and helps me fold clothes -- cat style, of course. He also helps with the dishes by making sure his dish is clean each day. His reward? Treats located in the kitchen which he opens for his paycheck -- four Temptations.

Little Caregiver
by: Michele in SC

She is beautiful, smart, takes care of my husband, keeps him company, and she loves my husband!

Sweet Hagrid
by: Camille in Michigan

Hagrid came to my husband and me from my daughter who got him from the local shelter. We lost our two previous cats after nineteen years of loving. I swore I didn't want another pet, but Hagrid has warmed our hearts in such a way that can't be described. He has a sweetness about him that more than filled the loss of Peebee and Squeek.

The Purrfect Gentleman, Companion, Babysitter, and Entertainer
by: JC in the USA

Ben-Ben is the perfect gentleman and companion. Loves a tum rub, lays up against me and yet will always check on the other cats to see if they are safe and comfortable. Ben-Ben adopts every cat brought home to stay and watches over them. At three feet long, his nickname is "Love Monster".

Ten years young, he plays with the kitten running full tilt up and down the stairs in games of hide and seek and "ambush". He will loudly call out to whomever to come "find me" and quickly ducks out of sight, waiting. Lord help the unsuspecting feline who passes by his ambush cover.

Ben-Ben has the loudest purr of any cat I have ever had. You can hear him down the hall and in the next room. We fondly say that his purr is Class Five on the Purr Scale. Sadly he has asthma or otherwise he would be ever more active. Yet he is our purrfect gentleman.

Mama's Boy
by: Lindsey in North Carolina

I love my Maine Coon Chester Because Hes Never Short On Kisses and is always there howling with hellos when I get home! He's a Huge Mamas Baby. With A wild odd Personality, one things for sure he's always full of surprises.

Thirteen Helpers
by: Heidi in Sao Paulo, Brazil

I love my Maine Coons when they "help" me to make the bed in the morning. They jump around me, hide between the blankets and pillows and behave as if they were in an amusement park. When they get tired and think this is already boring, eventually they let me finish my daily chore routine. So funny! I love my 13 Mainecoons!

Little Guy In A Fur Coat
by: Patricia in Maine

He's so much like a little guy in a fur coat! He is demanding, comes to "get" my husband when he wants food, or howls from the kitchen until someone shows up. I guess you could say he is fed on demand -also, he know when I say lie down, I mean it! He does! He also has a habit of smacking one of us when we don't respond immediately. In general we think he is a "pupcat"!

Constant Companion
by: Annabeth in Illinois

We rescued 2/yr old Frankie, and in return he rescued me! He's my daughter's cat, but when I lost my cat, Frank became my constant companion, and what a comfort that was! Maine Coons are THE BEST!

.... Because She Is Sooo Loving & Totally Loves Me Sooo Much
by: Bobbie B. in Hartsville, SC, USA

Gizzy was a shelter cat, and came to me by a friend... She is sooo sweet, loving and wants to be near me or on me most of the time..

We have two more cats that Gizzy loves too.. she plays with them and will just fall down on one (Footie) when Footie is sleeping.. she wants to be close all the time.. to us and to her '''sisters''' in the house.

They are both so affectionate in their own ways
by: Maggie in Suffolk, England

Ebenezer is the path finder, I think he must have been born before his little brother Midge, so he is the Alpha cat, not really appreciated by his brother all of the time.

If I didn't know better I would have said that Midge was a girl because he always has to be up close and personal were as Ebenezer is more like an only child, he will play quite contentedly on his own only to be attacked by his brother when Midge feels like some company.

Ebenezer is far happier just surveying the world from his perch on top of a cupboard or watching historical films on TV - sword fights are the best. I am studying History at University and the film 'Cromwell' has lots of very good fights if you are an Ebenezer!

Both boys love Cats Of Claw Hill a TV programme on Animal Planet and if they are being a pain sometimes I put it on TV and they both sit and watch through the whole programme. Watch it if you can and record it for your Maine Coons, it's great and they love it!

I love my Maine Coon because...
by: Kathy in Allentown, PA

He is so unique. I enjoy all of my cats but Fredi is nothing short of being special. My son found him in a field near our house last June and Fredi was starved for affection more than food.

We could not find out where he came from so we kept him, but really, he claimed us as his family. He brings nothing but joy because he is such a kind and gentle cat, who loves to be held (hard as it is to do so since is quite big!) and hugged, especially in the morning--almost as if he is trying to show how much he missed us while we were sleeping.

Unconditional Love
by: Jahnie in Nebraska

I Love My Maine Coon because he loves me as much as I love him. He gives me all his love and affection unconditionally!! Rain or shine, he is my best friend!

Cleo Converses
by: Elaine in VA

Our Cleo converses with us. She has so much expression, and it is appropriately emoted, with "human" inflection. When I tell her how much I love her, she softly narrows her eyes and looks right into mine, purring the whole time.

Lovable and Handsome
by: Pam in California

He is so lovable, gives me lots of kisses, loves to play fetch and is so darn handsome!

Lunabella Was In My Stars..
by: Laura Weber in NYC

I love my Maine coon because she was it the moment I saw her, rolled over backwards after a long sleep on her perched caged at the shelter. Looked at me with an oiled coat and huge green eyes, I took her home and she has been the most amazing companion I could ever ask for. As a single girl in NYC, she is my greatest love! We care for one another and that is most important for me.

One day, I had a scare the week after I had brought her home thinking she had gotten mis-tested for FeLV. The shelter results Neg and vets test Pos. I was ready for action, but how could this be? It is horrible I thought. I had a nagging vet to wait and have her re-tested later that week.. I educated myself, waited 28 days and brought her to my hometown vet in whitehouse NJ. They preformed an IFA test, results came back in a week. And she was NEG. I was so relieved, so blessed we celebrated that night and continue to on occasion! Between that time, I was taking extra special care of her, vitamins, she would drink water when I would, I was giving her a home made diet which we continue and she loves me for. I eat simply and many times we eat the same things. Organic sweet potato, fresh turkey, organic chicken, pumpkin, yolk, carrot, rice, oatmeal, plain yogurt, shrimp, mackerel & salmon. Sounds pretty luxury? Well we have a nice time and we certianly bond that way. I've had many animal food discrepancies and so this is what I enjoy doing for her.

I also, after much food research, found the honest kitchen, dehydrated food that you just stir and mix with water, so this is my base and I work to make her meal from there. She is very appreciative. Wrappa her tail around my legs, I place her food down she looks up at me and I say, your welcome Luna. And she starts.

She has many precious mannerisms, which include dropping to the floor and rolling over for me to kiss her belly, everyday she makes me smile. I'm so lucky to have come across this site, it is wonderful.

That's my story so many more to tell. ...I've only had her since January. :)

Sweet Casey
by: Susan (Australia)

He is sweet, loving, beautiful and so affectionate. I rescued Casey last August - someone moved and left him on the doorstep. Every day he shows me how happy he is to be with us. He is just the BEST cat! He has brought us so much joy and happiness - always on my lap or on my computer desk - mainly on the keyboard! Just love this big guy.

He Is Funny And Entertaining
by: Cheryl in Brighton, CO

Merfy likes to be the ball of the party. He is my shadow and each time I leave the room he will meow on the top of his lungs till he finds me. He loves to snuggle and lay by my pillow and purr all night. He is entertaining, funny, loving and crazy.

Leash trained & loves to go camping!
by: Jim & Barbara in San Dimas, CA

We have had our "El Gato" since he was 6-weeks old. My husband started training him at about 3 months with a tea-cup poodle harness. As he grew, so did the harnesses!! He now wears a dog small or medium. We also have switched to the kind that velcro on and are made of cloth. He seems to prefer them & nothing really bothers him.

We take him in our motorhome & have been on the road for sometimes as long as 6 to 8 weeks. We take him for walks at each campground -- some he seems more comfortable at then others. So, as his comfort level raises -- he is a CAT after all -- he will stay our longer & enjoy the sights & smells.

There is no better breed for RV'ing than a Coon!!! We talk to people while we are out & they say their cats either get car sick or hide in the closet until they get home. They wish they could get theirs to camp like ours. We tell them to get a MAINE COON!!!!

Well, that is enough bragging about our boy -- thank you for letting us share our story.

Jim & Barbara & El Gato

"I know my Maine Coon is special because..."
by: Jean Hensley in Aiken, SC, USA

"Since I adopted Tiger three months ago, I never feel alone, because he not only entertains me, but I get more than my daily dose of true love, he is at my side (or feet) all his waking hours. My daughters are amazed at this cat, and how much he wants attention.

He wants in my lap when I'm at the computer, which isn't easy, and he is still in awe of the printer, the commode, and the scrolling on TV.

I cannot get enough information that helps me understand him more."

He loves to snuggle and purr and talk!
by: Darlene in Alberta, Canada

He loves to snuggle and purr and talk! Smokey is so interactive and expressive... he's always ready for a conversation and a cuddle!

Love of My Life
by: Daniella in Florida, USA

He is the biggest, fluffiest, smartest, talkative, lovable, prettiest ginger colored, goofiest, irreplaceable, love of my LIFE that I will ever have. His name is MODDY!! =^..^=

She knows when I am sad
by: Bianca in Texas USA

She knows when I am sad or in physical pain. I have never known such a compassionate animal.

So Caring
by: Trish in Hampshire, USA

She is so caring. After an unexpected divorce from a 30 year marriage followed by my Mother passing away only weeks afterward, Angel did all she could to take care of me.

Although she had always been nearby (or on) me like most coons, she's taken to rubbing her nose on mine when I'm laying down while she also makes her cute chirping sounds. If I sleep on my back it's not unusual for her to sleep on top of me with her face nuzzled on my neck.,

If I am particularly sad one day, she knows it and makes every effort to console me. This is a whole lot more than I've received from most humans in my life.

Due to extended life challenges (Mom had dementia & I was her caregiver) my journey proved too long for many friends to stay on the path with me. Angel is completed devoted and I hope I add as much love and happiness to her life as she adds to mine.

BTW, I met Angel at a local shelter and of course she chose me. The first time I picked her up she wrapped her front legs around my neck and had to be peeled off so I could complete the paperwork. That was 14 years ago and little did I know when I named her Angel that she truly would be one to me. I love my Maine Coon! :)

She's a Clown
by: Kylie in Waikato, Zealand

She goes out of her way to let me know she loves me! The first time I was walking to the mailbox and she walked on hind legs to nudge my hand gave me such a shock, but she's adorable! And what a big clown...

Like Petting A Dog
by: Tazkia in Indonesia/West Java

She's make me fell petting a dog .. but do not bother :D

He Is So Funny
by: Lori McDonald in Manitoba, Canada

He is so funny. When I play with him, me will hide and jump up when I am not looking. He is really friendly and sweet. He is so attached to me and wherever I go, he follows me.

One night when it was raining, he was dragging in all of the stuff my 2 twin daughters were throwing out the window. I love my Maine Coon cat! (:

She Is A Kissing Cat
by: Barbara in Massachusetts

When I come home she jumps up next to me when I sit down and gives me a kiss on the cheek and then she turns around and wants a massage LOL!!

They Are Dog-Like
by: Robert King in Maine

I do not have one....but I did. Yes, they are a unique pet. Why? You have already listed why here.

But I will do it again in my words: 1. This is the only breed of cat I have known that demonstrates a want and need to interact with their people. By "their people" I mean the people they are with. 2. They are dog-like 3. Maine Coons are the only cats I know that will actually come to you when you ask them to. The may not. But they are the only ones that are likely to come when beckoned. 3. They give love and enjoy doing it.

So Smart
by: Danielle in Missouri

I love my Maine coons because they're just so smart they even know how to turn on an xbox and even unlatch a screen door

I Love My Maine Coon... because of
by: Allyson in Alabama

of his wonderful personality. This is so out of character for my husband, watching him get on the floor playing and talking baby talk to Cubby. (8 weeks old)

Gentle Companion
by: Anita in Arizona

I love my Maine Coon Cat because he provides perfect gentle companionship. He always gives me a reason to laugh when he requests weird food or is clumsy getting up into bed.

I love that he's so huge AND gorgeous! It looks like he has white eyeliner around his eyes! He will eat almost anything I eat so we enjoy meals together! I helped his mom deliver him so that made me almost a relative!!! Haha! What a fantastic guy he is!

Spunky Guy
by: Denice in Nevada

I love my MaineCoon mix, "Velcro" he is such a spunky little guy. He is a beautiful black and white tuxedo. I love how bushy and beautiful his coat gets in the winter..

Little story, last fall it had been raining most of the day and they driveway had a river running down it. Velcro was walking straight down the middle of this little river. Batting at the bubbles the rain drops made in it. He seems to like the OUTSIDE water. He is soo playful and loyal. And super talkative. He definitely tells me what he wants. And his tail,..WOW it is long and beautifully full.So very proud to have him in my life. Even when he tends to be a bit moody...ha ha ha

He Is My Best Buddy!
by: Merna Maxwell (Tucson, AZ)

He is so different from any cat I have owned. He is creative, smart, can open any cabinet in the house. If I leave a package of treats (Temptations) out in the open and he finds it he will pick up the package in his mouth and bring it to me to open.

Before he found out I would open them he would grab them and run into another room and then lay on top of them so I would not know!

He also follows me room to room and is always by my side somewhere in the room. He talks a lot - we hold complete conversations. He is also a jealous guy and will pounce on my other cat if he sees he is getting too much of my attention - we are still working on that one.

True Companion
by: Angelica (California)

I don't even know where to start. There's so many reasons I love, love, love my Maine Coon.

My Scotchie Poo is my best friend, he's my all-time companion. He is the sweetest, most patient, tender, loving cat ever.

He never, ever gets angry, non the less violent, he's always communicative by meowing his own special way, by eyeing/ winking at me.

He literally talks back when spoken to. He is so loving always, amazingly gentle with everyone, so good with the kids. Never afraid, never jumpy, not even a flinch with the vacuum. Accepting of other animals and humans of all sorts.

And thats just a few of the reasons I love my Maine Coon. I'm so thankful and honored to have such a beautiful inside and out creature.

Ok, enough because I'm getting teary thinking about my Scotchie Poo and all his beautiful qualities....thanks for giving me the chance to share my so very special cat!

Goofy Girl
by: Mary Ann (New Jersey)

She is an adorable, big, friendly goof and talks to us all day!

Bundle of love
by: Patty (California)

He's just a big bundle of furry love

He is so sweet
by: Laurie (NY)

I love my Maine Coon because he is so sweet- - and funny. He is a big cat, but somehow can fit himself into a tiny bathroom sink-and then look up at you with those beautiful expressive eyes- with such love!!!

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They Are The Light Of My Life

by Amber

I love my Maine Coons because - they are the light of my life! First I have Mouse (called Mousie normally) a pure white Maine coon with hazel eyes.. and bright pink ears! XD He is nearly 8 months old and 11 lbs of pure love XD.

This boy has been the light of my entire life .... filling up the house with such a presence. I had no idea how much personality a Maine Coon could have. I have owned only Persians and one tabby before in my life - I had no idea what I was missing. <3

Mouse has such an amazing personality, and continually every day finds ways to delight us :) I think he is crazy ... he loves everything.

Box duty (making sure the boxes are easily jump-in-able... making sure the traction is good .. can't be sliding around all the time when you jump in now can you?), helping us put away groceries (he thinks he is helping when he touches everything *nods*), helping us cook (gotta get on the counter and watch every movement to make sure we do it all just right), and other general zany things.

He also has this out of ordinary fascination with his water fountain. Yes I have heard that maine coons love running water - but he likes to sleep on the bowl. It gets his fur all soaking wet and ... knatty but he really loves it. It seems like it calms him - and he has been doing it since he was very little :)

The thing I love the most about this little guy - is our special relationship. My husband said it doesn't happen to him at all, so it must be something reserved just for me.

When I am sleeping in the middle of a night, all of a sudden out of nowhere mouse will get on the bed, find where my arms are and FORCE himself into them so I'm cuddling him tight ..

He will always place his head under my chin and continually move and squirm so that his head is against my heart or near my face in multiple ways XD This cuddle is such a strange thing - but so amazing to me XD And then once he has stopped moving around so much .. he falls fast asleep cuddled in my arms like a child. :) I talk so much about Mouse - that I can't forget Foxy :)

Foxy is our 8.5 lbs 6 month old Tortie colored Maine Coon that we bought as a companion for mouse.

He just seemed too lonely, and sadly the other occupant of this house is a 10 year old Persian who is very standoffish and won't have anything to do with him. So after we talked to Mouse's breeder, we decided to bring in another little girl from a different litter to grow up with him. She is a sweet heart XD She has quirks of her own, thought she does seem more 'normal' and laid back like other cats I've know.

One cute thing she loves to do is play with her food. She will nab a piece out of the bowl with her paw and then play with it for a bit - batting it like a toy before gobbling it up.

Rinse and repeat XD Hah XD She is also a big cuddler, but we don't have the special cuddle times that Mouse decides is a routine now. <3 I think she is mostly a daddy's girl - choosing to spend all of her time with him all snuggled up.

Every night she comes up .. walks up his leg, into his arms demanding for him to reposition his body to be perfect for her to lay down :) Both kittens love each other. I'm so glad for that - they really really love each other!

Grooming, playing, sleeping cuddled up together. It is a perfect relationship for them and I couldn't want more :)

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