Welcome, Maine Coon Breeders
And Rescue Organizations!

by Author, Coonie Mama & lifelong Mainer

Are you a Maine Coon cat breeder? Or part of a rescue organization or shelter? 

Welcome! I'm Carrie, the writer behind Maine Coon Cat Nation. I really hope you are enjoying your visit here.

This page is a place for me to connect with you. My vision for this site is to create a gathering place for Maine Coon lovers, owners, and future owners as well as Maine Coon Cat breeders and rescue groups. A Maine Coon Cat Community!

Visitors, are you looking for info about finding a Maine Coon? Our extensive section on finding breeders and Maine Coon kittens for sale has everything you are looking for!

I'd be thrilled to receive any feedback or ideas you might have! If you have thoughts about a topic here, or would like to see something included, please contact me!

I'm really enjoying building this site. It is so rewarding. And, the visitor numbers are increasing.

Every month, thousands of people find their way here for a variety of reasons. Many are looking to adopt, rescue, or purchase a Maine Coon Cat of their own.

If you are a Maine Coon breeder, this is becoming a great place to get some exposure, and make connections.

About Your Listing in the Directory:

Wow! The directory is off and running! We've started with the US, and the rest of the planet is coming along as well!

How does your info look? Is everything up-to-date? Would you like to add a photo or description? Or get listed, if I've missed you? With your permission, I'm happy to add phone numbers and activate your email address.

For now, using the [at] symbol instead of @ reduces any spam from coming your way. Visitors will have to be human to change it.

Contact me with any additions or changes you'd like to make to your cattery listing.

Would you like more exposure on this site?

Advertise Your Cattery For Free: Would you like a Featured Page of your own? I'm happy to create one, for free!

What It Includes:

If you'd like, we will create a page on our site featuring your cattery or rescue organization. Also in the directory, we will link to this page.

Here are some examples of Featured Pages:

Maine Delite Cattery
And here is how Maine Delite's listing looks in the directory: 
Maine Coon Cat Breeders In Ohio

View another Featured Page: Merlins's Hope Ragdoll & Maine Coon Rescue

Short on time but want to be included? 
Simply contact us with any photos or text you'd like us to add to your listing in the directory.

Here is an example of a breeder who chose this quick option:
Chemicoons Cattery

Ready to get started? Great! Contact Me and we'll be on a roll! It's quick and painless, I'll take care of all the details!

row of pawprints

For those who contact us for link exchanges, in the interest of keeping things real for our readers, we no longer offer those. If you want a featured page on our site, we'll include a link to you with no strings attached. 

Alternatively, if you feel this site offers something beneficial to your visitors, we'd appreciate being shared!

So, if you are interested in having a quick and easy interview page, like this one: Merlin's Hope Ragdoll and Maine Coon Rescue just send us a quick note! Internet searchers will find you this way.

And, it will provide value to our readers as well as help build this community! That's what it's all about.

This type of page attracts internet surfers looking for a kitten in a specific area. We'll place a live link on it, as well.

The 10 second option: Simply contact me with the name of your cattery, your name, location, website & contact info (email, phone number or both- your choice.) We'll have your cattery or rescue group up in about 1-3 business days. If you've linked to us, thank you!

Or even better, use the form to say hello! I look forward to connecting with you!

Contact Us:

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Top of Maine Coon Breeders & Rescue