Maine Coon Cat Love

This is the place to tell everyone why you love your Maine Coon. What makes him or her so special? Add your story in the comments below!

maine coon cat in sink

More Maine Coon Cat Love Stories:

She's my best friend!
~Rebecca in California

Because he is adorable, gives lots of cuddles, when he needs something, he will not take no for a answer, wants it right there and now, but I would not be without him for anything, he is my best mate.xx
~Patricia in England

I have no words to express how amazing my 6 year old Maine Coon named Ozzy is! He is just the most adorable thing and is meowing right next to me at the moment (he knows I'm writing about him). He is always around me and always wants to be petted! He is the love of my life and I would not trade him for the world.
~Samantha in Quebec

She was a stray, lost or abandoned, and she adopted me! She has been an absolute joy, so full of love, a lap cat indeed!
~Robi in Ontario

He is so silly! He takes my kids' little toys and drops them into our shoes, his food dish, and even the toilet!
~Natalie in Ohio

My Polly is the most faithful little friend I could ever ask for. While her buddy (a white domestic) is snoozing away, Polly will never leave my side.

BUT every now and then when I just can't seem to cuddle her enough, she will tell me she's had it by a nip or a swipe of her paw. And although her buddy, the domestic, weighs much more, Polly is the boss.

She can be a little jealous, I guess. My cats are the loves of my life. I never knew what a Main Coon was until my Polly came along. She's simply the best.
~Rebecca in Illinois

I love my Maine Coon Tortie Tinker so much. She is so goofy, sweet & smart. Jumps to the top of the refrigerator from the counter talking all of the time when it is time for her canned food treat in the evening.
~Judy in Nebraska

I love my Maine Coon Pretty because he is laying bedside me now purring to high heaven because is as close to his mommy as possible. He is such a big furry cuddler
~Erika in Connecticut

He's such a lover!!! He sleeps with me every night and has to touch me with his paw or lay his head on my hand. He gives me kisses and nibbles on my nose and fingers. He is my baby and only 1 year old.
~Joy in Arkansas

She is so lovable, friendly and actually makes eye contact like a person.....affectionate and talks to me whenever I touch her. I've only had her 4 wks. and couldn't love her more
~Diane in Oregon, USA

Leo always helps to make up our bed each day! He waits on me every day; when I come home from work at the door. He likes to play and he likes to sleep under the dryer in a drawer.
~Keith in Concord, North Carolina

He's such a goofball!
~Karla in Washington

Juliette makes me laugh. She loves to run and hide in an open brown grocery bag. She has made a hole in the top and sticks her paw out for me to play with.
~Jodie in Michigan

Well I think she's a mix but she has many of the coon traits and I love her because she is always there to greet me when I come home.

If I go to the store during the day she follows to the end of the block and waits for me until I get back home. Cookie walks my son every morning to the end of the block when he leaves for school.

She is gentle and tolerant, she has beed spayed and never been a mother but when I got my chihuahua pup she made sure to care for him played and bathed him( although he didn't quite like being held down for his grooming sessions)they still love each other very much. They are six now.

She likes to hunt/play with both the dogs. They end up rolling on the grass at times which is pretty funny if ya ask me.
~Rosa in Portland, Oregon

I Love My Maine Coon because he has such a personality and has become a prominent family member and very loving to the kids.

He likes his special time with me when I wind down and watch TV or check email in the evening. I love his unique chirping and meows, nothing like anything I have hears. He also is so clean regarding his large litter box. I love my sweet boy, Mr Kitty
~Paula in Florida

Simba is my love as i am his, he goes everywhere with me. When i come home from work he meets me and leads the way to the kettle. Even when we have visitors he greets them then takes his place next to me.
~Noshin in Manchester

He is a true friend
~Robert in Ontario

Our Maine Coon, Hellen of Troy, is a real survivor. In June of 2008, the Cedar River began an unprecedented rise.

We thought little of it and were told to leave our home. We thought that we would be back the next day. We were back in two weeks. We left our two cats in the house, much to our regret.

One of our Coonies was rescued and taken to shelter. The second cat, Hellen of Troy, was clever enough to hide even when the National Guard people were in and out of the house and looked for her.

Anyway, after two weeks we came back and found her. She needed hydration and one of her eyes needed treatment. She is over five years old now and in good condition.

The second Maine Coon, who was a really stunning beauty, didn't live long after this experience. Hellen is a tough little girl and a real sturdy Maine type of creature! Thanks
~Marilyn in Iowa

Our, LUKE, Maine Coon cat learned to do tricks faster than our Golden Retriever..his favorite, roll over. He also loves to 'sit up on back paws' to beg for treats. FUNNY ALL THE TIME!!!

Love my big boy..and even tho we are an 8 member family..Luke is MY CAT..follows me everywhere and sleeps ON MY PILLOW at night..even tho I 'start' him at the foot of the bed..wake every a.m., to me almost falling out of the bed and Luke happily splayed out taking 3/4's of the bed..
~Sarah in Iowa

Shiloh is 4 months. His dad is a very impressive Maine Coon and his mum is half Maine Coon and half Ragdoll.

Shiloh looks exactly like his father. He is silver and grey with a beautiful shaggy main and already huge feet. My vet was shocked when i said he is 3/4 Coon and 1/4 Ragdoll then laughed and said I was going to have a huge cat that flops.

That is the only trait from his mum that he has, he is floppy. Having read about Maine Coons he is exhibiting all of the examples of a true blood Coon. He is friendly, so loving and so funny. I have 2 Ragdoll cats aged 16 and 18 months old and they are so lovely but Shiloh is showing different types of personality than they do or any other cat I have had.

He 'fetches' when I throw toys for him, he lies on me, he sleeps next to me and he is always at the other side of a closed door if I am in that room without him.

My other cats are Lollypop and Bobby Blu. Lolly is a bit of a loner so Shiloh always goes to her but doesn't stay long but he is cheeky and I have caught him many times tripping her up and running off.

But he adores Bobby. Always following him everywhere. He lies on his back making 'puddings' with his claws and just generally getting on Bobs nerves, but being a super cat himself, rarely stops him.

As much as I would have liked to have gotten a full Maine Coon, Shiloh could not have been beaten, he is truly a lovely cat and I am so looking forward to his growing up and I can be 'wowed' with each phase of his maturing. I will try to send a pic of him so you can see how handsome he is.
~Susan in the United Kingdom

I don't know if my first post made it. If it didn't, I just wanted to say that my Polly gives me a reason to live. Three years ago I didn't want to live.

I had some tremendous losses that I still struggle with. Then Polly got very ill and went into kidney failure. We never really knew what happened.

She was at the university for three weeks before she turned around. She is my best friend and I love her and her rescue buddy more than anything in the world.

She's my constant companion and gets a bit jealous if I'm on the phone or computer. She has so much love to give. But every now and then, if for some reason I overdo it on the loving and petting, she might nip or swipe at me just so I will know my place!

Her big bushy tail never stops and she loves shredded cheese. It has to be sharp and she prefers the Wal-Mart generic brand--I kid you not--she is that particular.
~Jane in Illinois

We actually talk to each other, he understands and responds. He is also a gourmand. He eats almost any type of human food.
~François from France

He is completely mad and so funny he loves playing with my other cat Sid who is a normal moggy (sort of) my Sid who is approaching 1 gets on so well with Alex who is 11 weeks old they are just so cute, funny and loving
~Elizabeth in Dorset

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Comments for Maine Coon Cat Love

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Perfect Cat
by: Harry (Manitoba)

He is perfect far as cats go.

Chatty Boy
by: Jenny (UK)

He knows me so well! We chat and are understanding each other more every day, and he always wants to be with me, even if I’m in the bathroom or in bed, We give each other love and peace.

Cuddle Buddy
by: Ponz (New Jersey)

She is so affectionate to me, my cuddle buddy and head butts me. when I'm sick she doesn't leave my side. Love her so much.

by: Rhondda (FL)

He just tried to open my gun safe....lolol

by: Honey (Florida)

Is so sweet, intelligent, always we me. Love Sweetie

by: Shayan (Pakistan)

Because they are very innocent. But mine is very aggressive and I don't know why.

Big Love
by: Shirley (Indiana)

28 pounds of love. He comes at the sound of his name and never tires of being petted and loved. A sweet companion. Both hubby and I love him lots

by: Suzanne (NY)

Getting my first Maine Coon. Can’t wait. Just wanted to know what I need to do to make sure Im going to know what she needs. Love is the number one thing she will get!

by: Maryann (Connecticut)

She is not only beautiful but very sweet. Happy to get a lot of attention. She makes getting up in the morning worth getting out of bed.

Always There
by: Rachael (UK)

She is always there for me.

Crazy Smart
by: Michelle (Tennessee)

She is beautiful and crazy smart! I first noticed this when she was about 6 months old.

I told her to sit while she was trying to get a piece of my food and she sat. I had never seen a cat do that :)

She literally does what she is told and I can tell she understands what I am saying. Love this little girl. We found her abandoned under a house and she fit right in with the family <3

Not Cuddly
by: J (Alabama)

I am so disappointed in our Maine Coon. We bought him for the 10 reasons you listed. Mine is beautiful, smart, but he does not come when I call him.

He is not loving. He does not cuddle with us. Don’t understand - we try to love on him and he won’t have it. Our three other pound cats are sweeter and have more personality. We love him anyway, he is ours and it is what it is.

by: Sandy (California)

She plops her heavy self right next to me and begs for chin rubs. She greets everyone who comes through the door and charms each and every visitor.

Cure for Loneliness
by: David (London)

Helps cure my loneliness.

by: Linda

I love their huge paws with the tufts between their toes. I also love those pantaloons.

by: Jazmine (VA)

He comes when I call and he loves to snuggle.

by: Amiiee (NC)

She is so beautiful in anything she does. She’s picture perfect!

Strong Bond
by: Canfice (Louisiana)

We share a bond that is indescribable. When we look at each other we understand that he is my cat and I am his person.

Love Him
by: Anonymous

He is funny, he is sweet, he is patient and he was dubbed a sweet and silly little man when we adopted him as a kitten from the Humane Society. We were very lucky to find him.

by: Thea (NY)

He's my best companion.

Loves Water
by: Denise (California)

She is beautiful, fun, devoted, smart, and loves water!

by: Ramona (Arkansas)

Dylan is absolutely the sweetest cat I know. Nothing ruffles his feathers; he never gets angry.

He’s also curious about everything. If I pick something up, he will pull it to himself so that he can smell it thoroughly. He never ceases to amuse me.

Love at First Sight
by: Pat (VA)

I needed love in my life and it was love at first sight!

by: Adrienne (Iowa)

I love my Maine coon because he's funny and awesome and he attacks trees!

Wild Look
by: Berke (Turkey)

I have a Maine Coon, and I just like his beautiful look! He looks kind of wild but he is not at all he is very very friendly!

by: Tenya (Texas)

Bella is very sweet and gets me. She allows me my space and comes to check on me when she thinks I have had enough personal time.

Silly Girl
by: Carol (Massachusetts)

She likes to cover her food bowl when she is done eating, lol .

by: Nannette (PA)

Chiron is our first cat. He was smart enough to realize he had amateurs on his paws and trained us. He is very patient. He loves us even when we are slow to catch on to what he wants.

by: Jan (Connecticut)

She is only 8 months old and already my sidekick and best furry friend.

She is so amazing to watch her jump four feet off the ground to catch a toy or playing fetch. She brings me her bag of treats when she wants some. Beautiful girl.

by: Sherry (Minnesota)

She has the same temperament that I do! And when life gets sticky I can watch her predictability and devotion, and realize that all is still well with the world.

by: Elena (VA)

He’s very cuddly and loud. He never stops purring.

Loves Outdoors
by: Vaiden (Pennsylvania)

He loves being outside as much as I do!

The Best
by: Brian (MO)

He is the best companion. Able to calm when angry, cheer when sad, and love when hurt. Nothing is more honest the he.

by: Bob (Connecticut)

I love my Fluffypants because he has endeared himself to my heart. He was rescued by my late wife when Fluffy was a kitten.

It seems Fluffy had a rough start, so I'm glad I've had the opportunity to make his life easy for the past few years.

by: Wanda (NC)

So sweet and smart knows when it's bed time not need for alarm clock knows when to wake me up.

Tobykeith is 16 and he chats back to me always keeps himself well groomedVery clean cat.Will not go in a litter box if it has 2 or more wettings. Lays at my feet greets me at the door and is very jealous of me.I love him and he loves me.

Need Each Other
by: Ben (PA)

She needs me as much as I need her.

by: Gerald (Washington)

I've always felt that there was something very special with my cat.

He'll look me right in the eyes and I feel like he is a reincarnate of a former human. It's such an intelligent knowing look that communicates with me.

And he is such a curious, confident and affectionate creature. A truly very, very special feline.

by: Vanessa (Netherlands)

She is sweet and funny, she will get these "crazy-possession" moments where she will come up to me meow and run away when I turn around and hide or just drop to the ground. She’s so funny :)

by: Gina (Wisconsin)

Jazz is a great "friend". He loves to be close.I love it when he greets us at the door. He is so entertaining we call him "circus kitty". Life is good!

Love Him
by: Leslie (Illinios)

He's cute, loving and playful! And very cuddly!

Stray No Longer
by: Tamra (SA Australia)

He came to me as a stray kitten and turned me into a cat lover.

by: Susan Askey (UK)

There are the most wonderful, beautiful cats in world.

Gentle Giants
by: Jane (Ontario)

They are everything - devoted, quirky, intelligent, curious, protective, loving, big and beautiful, present in your life, gentle just as their nick-name describes them "the gentle giant".

Mr Bojangles
by: Donna Stanfield (Oklahoma)

We recently noticed (our cat now), out in and around our yard. He was skittish at 1st, but quickly became my sidekick.

I attempted to locate his family, but after a month with no inquiry for him from my posts on lost and found pet pages, we adopted him. We have another cat from a momma cat that we took in during a winter 3yrs ago.

She was pregnant and after she weaned the kitties I found furever homes for mom and 5 of the kitties.

For whatever reason our house has become a rescue for dogs and cats, from people that dump them out in this area. We will feed, water and love them until they are adopted.

We have fell in love with Mr. Bojangles. He appears to be Maine Coon, by his markings, & personality, very loving and affectionate. I have started learning about this breed and really follows suit to everything I've read.

He follows me like I'm his momma, but loves everyone he comes in contact with. Our cat Missy hasn't the loving personality that he has.

She's a mixed calico breed and spayed. She doesn't like him being in the house, hisses and growling at him, I am praying eventually she'll get more at ease.

She at first chased him as if she was going to attack him, but now that he has started standing his ground, she's the one running away.

If anyone has any ideas of how to get them to be more friendly towards each other I'd love to know, as the only cat I've been around is Missy, since taking her in.

Loves Me
by: Amy (TX)

He loves me and lets me know all the time

by: Sandra (California)

He makes me laugh every day. How can a cat sleep on its back with its legs sticking straight up in the air??

Great Fun
by: Riley (Wisconsin)

I love my Maine Coon because he is super fun to play with and in the Winter he gets really fluffy and is great for hugs!

Beautiful and Devoted
by: Patricia Matriciano (Wantagh, New York)

He is devoted and follows me everywhere. He is so beautiful. He is also very intelligent, and his mind is always at work.

by: Sally (Tennessee)

My Maine Coon cat is beautiful a loyal friend, he sits when told, he does not require a lot a care brushing he does like. I love him so much.

Smart and Beautiful
by: Judith (NY)

Sadie IS BEAUTIFUL! She is so very sweet! She has learned a lot of commands and remembers them.

She always wants to be with me in whatever room I am in! I love her like crazy and, although I am a long time cat lover, I have never loved a kitty the way I love Sadie! She is the light of my life.

by: Ron (CA)

My Tekoa picked me out of the litter. When I went to the adoption agency he was in a large cage with his brothers and sisters who had all been abandoned.

I was trying to get the attention of one of his brothers and he kept on jumping and nudging his way in between us. I picked him up and he reached forward and licked my nose. He's been doing it ever since. Best cat ever!

by: Atlas (NY)

He is incredibly intelligent, loyal, and funny. He is my best friend.

Funny Boys
by: Romeo and Roy-Cooper (Idaho)

I have 2 brothers, Ginger boys. One is big and glorious and the other is the runt; funny and very affectionate.

Puppy Cat
by: Jason (KY)

He is only 5 months old but has all of his "Dog Like" traits firmly in his personality. It's so different from any cat I've owned over 30yrs.

by: Judy (New Jersey)

She is beautiful. She does bunting with me when I pet her and talk to her softly she closes her eyes like she is in love. I spoil her she deserves it she is always there with me. She follows me everywhere I go she will forever be in my heart.

by: Ezio (New Hampshire)

He is my best fur friend. Looking at me with those big, round loving eyes. He keeps me laughing with his wonderful antics and even invites me to play with him. He is the best!

by: Jack (California)

Very affectionate and caring. He is everybody's friend.

A Character
by: Gloria (California)

McGillie is such a character. He sleeps on his back with his legs stretched out as far as they'll go; he loves to catch flies and stalk birds; he chatters at us and loves to head-butt!

One Of a Kind
by: Amity (New York)

I Love My Maine Coon because she is a good companion, just like this article says, everything about this article is true indeed!!! She fetches, chirps is ALWAYS by my side just like a dog, she is surely one of a kind.

Coonie Love
by: Tracey (UK)

He truly loves us.

by: Deonia (Florida)

She already sleeps on my chest and I only rescued her a week ago. she's only 9 mo. old but she has found her Furever home with me. I know she and I will be inseparable for the rest of her life. She just has to teach my Papillon a few manners LOL They said her name was Taffy, but I call her Tigger and she already recognizes it and comes to me when I call her.

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