Maine Coon Cats as Pets

What is it Like to Own This Breed?

Are you wondering what's involved in having Maine Coon cats as pets?

Maybe the kids are pestering you for a cat, or someone has asked you to care for their pet cat. Or maybe it's just been a while since you've had a kitty in the house.

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Tips for First Time Coonie Owners

"What are Maine Coon cats like?" Let's go over some of the most common questions that new cat owners have.

You may have your new friend for the next 15-20 years, so it's good to really know what it's like to have these cats as pets.

"Are pet cats expensive to own?"

For a healthy cat or kitten, it's pretty simple. There will be a trip to the vet to spay or neuter and some immunizations as well.

If you're getting a kitten there will be boosters. Then it's just a yearly exam. Some will come with their own health issues, and if so you'll have to add that in.

Pet health insurance is gaining in popularity. It might be a good idea to get some pet insurance information, and get a cost estimate from your local vet to help make a choice. 

Cat food and litter will be a regular addition to the monthly budget. It's tempting to get the cheapest food, but in the long run you'll save money (in the form of vet bills) by getting high-quality food with the best ingredients. 

In most cases you'll want to use flea and tick prevention as well, even for indoor kitties. If just one flea finds its way in, it will find your pet and make quick work of taking over.

There will be a trip to the pet store to get all the supplies you'll need. It's easy to forget something, so use our handy checklist when you go.

classic brown tabby with white maine coon catChester, a stunning classic Maine Coon

"Should I get a male or a female? I'm worried that a male will spray in the house."

Spraying is a purely behavioral issue, and has nothing at all to do with litter box habits.

So, we'll have to look at it behaviorally. Both males and females can spray, though it's primarily a male habit.

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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Urine Spraying is a marking of territory. It's a habit that is mostly seen with non-neutered males.

In many cases, simply neutering your boy will take care of it. If you have your Maine Coon neutered young, the problem shouldn't even develop.

The cause behind this behavior is often a result of stress that he is under.

This is can be from having too many felines in the house at once, or being thrust into the same space together without a slow and careful introduction time.

So, as long as you don't have many kitties, and your male Coonie is neutered, urine spraying shouldn't be a problem for you.

Some people feel that males are more affectionate than females. This is quite a generalization, though.

There is such a wide variety of feline personalities, just as human personalities.

Of all my feline family members over the years, my females have been incredibly affectionate and loving. That said, I suppose I'd have to call my Maine Coon boy uber-affectionate!

"I'm allergic to cats. What breed should I get?"

Well, there are no non-allergenic cats. And since allergies can be mild or severe, you'll have to use your own discretion.

For folks with mild allergies, a hypoallergenic cat breed might help. Keep in mind that "hypo" simply means "less" so you may still have a reaction. Contrary to popular myth, Maine Coons are not hypoallergenic.

It's is so important to make a plan for your kitty if you can't keep her. Many cats, even purebred ones, end up in shelters or rescue because their owners can't tolerate them due to allergies.

black maine coon cat on windowsillMaine Coon Cats as pets are simply amazing

"What kind of responsibilities are involved in having Maine Coon cats as pets?"

There are the basics such as keeping the food and water dishes full. And tending to the litter box, as well. Plus regular veterinary exams to make sure he's healthy.

And there may need to be some grooming as well, depending on coat type.

Longhaired cats should be brushed regularly. They usually enjoy it. You might want to clip their nails on occasion.

It's a good alternative to cat declawing, which is being seen in an increasingly negative way nowadays.

"Are cats nocturnal? They seem to be so active at night!"

cat silhouette and a big moon with myth and fact about whether cats are nocturnal

It may seem like they are nocturnal, but felines are crepuscular, meaning they're most active at dawn and dusk.

If you've ever had a cat zoom around your house at the crack of dawn - or just as you’re settling in for a relaxing evening - you’ve witnessed this firsthand!

Their ancestors were natural hunters, and the low light of early morning and evening provided the perfect cover for stalking prey.

Today's housecats, including Maine Coons, have inherited this instinct. While they might nap during the day and night, their "prime time" often aligns with sunrise and sunset.

If your Maine Coon is a little too enthusiastic during these hours, you can help them burn off energy with play sessions. A wand toy or a quick game of fetch before bed can work wonders!

cute maine coon kitten batting at a toy while lounging on the floor

Caring for cats is a great way to introduce kids to having some responsibility. Just make sure to oversee the job.

Kids can be forgetful, and it's ultimately up to the parent make sure any family pets are properly cared for.

For those who live in small houses or apartments, having cats as pets can be the perfect way to make it a home.

They don't need excessive attention, so you can leave for work each day without worry.

If you occasionally need to leave for a vacation or work, your feline friend will be fine. It might be good for a neighbor to look in on him if it will be more than a couple of days.

"It sounds like too much, but I really want a pet."

There are great alternatives! If you are not ready to commit to a cat, we'll assume a dog is out of the running for now.

How about something a bit smaller? There is such a wide variety of small pets.

Turtles, birds, reptiles, and guinea pigs are just a few that come to mind!

"What is it like to have Maine Coon cats as pets?"

Maine Coons are affectionate, playful, and loyal. They do require some work and responsibility - but they are by no means high-maintenance!

The old notion that they are aloof and independent, so they can be pretty much left on their own is no longer held true.

Having cats as pets means giving them your time, attention and devotion. They need you for companionship, play, and, well everything!

Yet the love, affection, companionship and entertainment you'll get in return will be well worth it.

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