2025 Mixes, Maybes & Crosses

Introducing our 2025 Album of mixed Maine Coons and Maybes! These cat parents are asking the community for opinions. Do these fluffers have some Coonie in them?

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by: Serita in Kentucky

tabby and white cat laying on a striped blanket
cute shorthaired cat with tabby markings and white.
shorthaired tabby cat sitting pretty.
closeup of a paw of a sleeping cat

She’s very docile occasionally ducking and running away when we go to pet her she has since she was a kid and we got her but whenever she wants Lovins, she chirping meow until she gets them. She loves playing with her sister that we got from the same litter.

Leo, Suspected Maine Coon Mix

by: Sonia in Spain

light red and white kitty.

This cat showed up in my garden a year ago. Now he is almost always there.

He has a very unique, magestic face. His jaw is very big compared to other cats. He is extremely hairy with a very bushy tail.

Very big for a regular cat although not as big as pure breed coons. His paws are massive.

He has a very good personality. Really affectionate and loves getting pet.

Maine Coons are very rare in my country so I'm really wondering. What do you think?

Wondering if my Georgie is mixed with Maine Coon

by: Dawn in Illinois

brown tabby maine coon mix.

He's big very loving,loves being outside no matter the weather.

Mom of fur babies

by: Pam Reece in USA

fluffy tabby cat laying on floor.
cute fluffy tabby.
fluffy tabby kitty.
cute face of tabby kitty.

Got his as a rescue had a part mane coon before he looks exactly the same.

Has some coon in him?

by: Sean Paul in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

tabby kitten on a bed.
tabby kitten on a bed.
tabby kitten on a bed.

Weight 7 pounds at 5 months, exotic ears & hair on ears with bigger palms.

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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Morgana Our Rescue?

by: Lane in Ohio

two dark cats sleeping side by side on a towel.Morgana (black cat) at 4months snuggled next to our four year old cat
black cat sitting straight up facing camera in sunshine with a wooden background.Morgana sitting pretty waiting for us to get up and feed her
cute small black kitten.Morgana at 12 weeks old

After moving in together, my boyfriend and I decided to adopt a kitten.

We already had one cat (Jax, 4) who I raised myself. Since she was a perfect angel and my boyfriend has never had the ups and downs of owning a kitten we decided to adopt!

black kitten on a wall shelf.On her cat shelf

In comes Morgana. At 12 weeks old while she was small, she was bigger than any 12 week old kitten I had seen and I double checked with the foster about her age.

It took her only one day to warm up to the house and she is by no means shy. She’s happy, loving, playful, and walks around with her tail straight up in the air no matter what.

She’s 7 months old now, and nearly as big as my four year old cat! She’s got the fluffiest neck I’ve ever seen and ear tufts.

She absolutely adores my cat who barely tolerates her (though will let her snuggle up if I’m in the room). She’s a glutton and we go through food like CRAZY!!

But she’s still so skinny (as most kittens are). She’s got one of the loudest purrs I’ve ever heard and some of the biggest paws which she used to trip over.

She non stop climbs up DOOR FRAMES to the point where my boyfriends dad built her cat shelves on our wall.

Her favorite thing, however, is curling up and sleeping in our cat condo which she is very quickly outgrowing.

My beauty Kiki

by: Laura Titus in St.Louis, MO

fluffy black cat posing on a table.
fluffy black cat scratching at a rug.
fluffy black cat on a bed with long furry tail hanging down.
black cat curled up on a giant sunflower blanket.

Kiki is so sweet. I got her from my local ASPCA when she was 4-6 month old. Very sweet loving girl. Though she has her moments living in a home full of 4 dogs.

But she’s now about 1 year old and she I believe is still growing.

She’s so fluffy and her paws are large and her tail is long as well.

Her face doesn’t have most of the marking of a Maine Coon but all else makes me believe she might have some Maine coon heritage in her. What do you guys think?

My Cat Valentine: A Maine Coone Mix?

by: Hannah in North Alabama, USA

brown tabby cat curled up in a cat tree.
brown tabby cat fast asleep on a couch.

I got Valentine earlier this year and adopted him at about 8 months old from a shelter.

They had him listed as a Maine Coone mix. He definitly has the fluffy fur, acts more like a dog than a cat at times and is incredibly talkative.

He chirps a lot. He also appears to still be growing and putting on weight.

He is a year and a month old. His eyes are very unique and he looks different than any cat I’ve previously owned.

My Pretty-Gurl

by: Catherine in Reno, NV

brown tabby kitty with fluffy tail.The day we moved to our new home
brown tabby cat sitting loaf style near a doorway.My baby today
cute young brown kitten.The day she arrived at her new home

She was brought to me at about weeks (10-4-2023) by my daughter after being found on the side of the road with her dead mother and dead siblings.

Very affectionate except towards my g-babies.

Shelter brothers

by: Eve Gilbert in Williamstown PA

shaggy tabby cat sitting on a dining room table.
two boy kitties side by side.

I adopted two little boys about a month ago. They have a lot of the markers. Faces tails, fur, manes.

All of it. Super curious and I want to make sure they're cared for correctly.

Any thoughts? Would love to hear opinions. Their (shelter) guesstimate was about 5 months old. Tails measure at 10 inches and 11 inches at this age.

Is My Cat Part Coon?

by: Jose in California

young man and his cat together in a vehicle smiling.
young man and his cat posing together in a car.

My cat Suki is a 5 month old female. She came to our front door when she was around 2 months according to the vets and I'm just wondering if she is part Maine Coon.

Mother of Part Coon
by: Kirsten
I would say Yes. My cat looks very similar to yours and I am told it is a Main Coone though maybe not 100%. Your Cat is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations on your awesome fur fam member.

Maine Coon Mix? DNA results say yes.

by: Mark F. in Iowa, USA

black cat on top of refrigerator.Batman the Fridge Lord
fluffy black cat sitting on a table.Batty the Beautiful
silky black cat laying on a couch.Master-Floof at rest
black cat sitting pretty.

This is Batman. He was dumped in a field next to the shelter we got him from when he was only a few months old.

He survived starvation and predation (he had puncture wounds on his neck from a coyote) and I adopted him when he was approximately 6 months old.

Right away I could tell he was a different type of cat that any I had previously. When he was 15 months old and was still growing, I KNEW I had a different type of cat. Long story short, I got a DNA test done when he turned 18mo. He is a verified Maine Coon mix! (and he's still growing :))

Please use these photos to help others that may be wondering.


by: Rainey in Texas

side view of red tabby and white cat.
two cats together on a bed.His size compared to average cat
shorthaired white and ginger cat on a desk.Note the thumbs

Murray is a nine year old very large cat he is short haired and has a toe or two extra on each foot.

He is not fat at all with a very large head and ears. Last vet visit he weight 23 pounds.

The people I got him from said he was part Maine Coon. I didn’t pay a lot of attention to that since he was just a free kitten but as he grew up he definitely seems special!

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