Maine Coon eyes really are unique! We all know how stunning this breed is. Their natural beauty is without compare!
The different Maine Coon features come in various colors and shapes, adding to their distinct appearance.
First, let's look at the shape of Maine Coon eyes. They are large and slightly oval, set wide apart and at a slight angle toward the base of the ears.
This shape gives them an alert and intelligent expression, which matches their playful and curious nature.
Standard colors include shades of green, gold, green-gold, and copper.
These colors can vary in intensity, adding to the individual charm of each cat. The interesting part is that the eye color does not always match the coat color - which results in a wide variety of combinations!
For example, you might see a black Coonie with striking green eyes or a silver tabby with piercing gold eyes.
Blue eyes in Coonies are quite rare and usually found in white cats or those "with white."
This means a Coonie can have blue eyes if they have a lot of white fur, either as a solid white cat or part of a bicolor or particolor pattern.
In these cases, you might find a Coonie with one or both eyes blue, which adds a unique look to their appearance.
For white Coonies or those with white markings, there is a possibility of having blue or even odd eyes—where one eye is blue and the other is green, gold, or copper.
This interesting feature comes from the same genetic factors that give them their white fur, making these cats particularly unique.
It's always a treat to see a white Coonie with bright blue eyes or the fascinating contrast of odd eyes!
Heterochromia, or having two different-colored eyes, is one of the coolest traits you’ll find in a Maine Coon!
While rare, this beautiful phenomenon does happen in some cats, creating an unforgettable, striking look.
Heterochromia occurs when the distribution of melanin, the pigment responsible for eye color, varies between the eyes. In these cases, one eye may be a vibrant blue, while the other can be green, amber, or even gold.
While heterochromia doesn’t affect vision or health, it does make for a truly unique appearance.
It is typically seen in all-white or mostly white cats, due to the genetics of pigmentation. In these cats, a gene called the white spotting or white masking gene can interfere with melanin distribution, especially in the eyes.
When this gene is active, it can prevent pigment from developing fully in one eye, resulting in a blue eye alongside a more typically colored one, like green or amber.
The blue eye is actually lacking in melanin, while the other eye has a normal amount, creating that striking difference!
Heterochromia is less common in darker-colored Coons, but that just makes the phenomenon even more special when it appears.
This trait adds a sense of mystery to their expressions, making it hard to look away from those entrancing, mismatched eyes.
Some Coonies with heterochromia even have different flecks of color within each eye, adding a layer of depth and complexity to their gaze that’s unlike anything else. It’s as if each eye tells its own story, capturing light in different ways.
So, if you ever come across a Maine Coon with heterochromatic eyes, consider yourself lucky - it’s a rare and beautiful reminder of the uniqueness each cat can bring into the world!
With their trademark charm and these stunning, mismatched eyes, heterochromic Maine Coons remind us just how extraordinary the feline world can be!
In addition to their color, the overall appearance and health of a Coonie's eyes are important parts of the breed standard.
Their eyes should be clear, bright, and free from any discharge or cloudiness, which reflects their good health.
Regular grooming and veterinary check-ups help keep their eyes healthy, ensuring that these gentle giants always look their best.
These pretty peepers are more than just a physical trait - they reflect their vibrant personalities and rich heritage.
Whether you are looking into a pair of golden orbs, admiring deep greens, or noticing mystical blue, the eyes are a key part of what makes this breed so special.
Ever noticed your cat’s eyes looking a little different when they’re sleepy or feeling under the weather?
That’s their third eyelid, also known as the nictitating membrane, at work!
This fascinating little feature is located in the inner corner of their eye, and it plays a vital role in protecting their delicate eyes.
The term "third eyelid" can be a bit confusing because it suggests there are three eyelids, but in reality, animals (like felines) have two primary eyelids (upper and lower) and then the nictitating membrane, which is the "third eyelid."
The nictitating membrane helps keep moisture on the surface of the eye, preventing dryness, and it also acts as a shield against dust, dirt, or other irritants.
If you’ve ever seen it partially close, it’s usually a sign that your kitty is either tired or perhaps a little stressed.
When a cat is asleep, it often becomes more noticeable. This happens because the eyelid moves slightly across the eye, usually in response to relaxation or sleep.
While cats are known for their ability to keep their eyes wide open while in a light doze, during deep sleep, the third eyelid can cover a part of the eye.
This behavior is entirely natural and serves as a protective function. The membrane helps maintain moisture on the surface of the eye, keeping it hydrated while the cat rests.
It's also a safeguard against any potential irritation or debris that could harm the eyes during sleep.
If you spot the nictitating membrane when your cat is resting, it’s usually just a sign they’re in a calm, relaxed state.
However, if the membrane stays visible when your cat is awake or seems to be overly protruding, it might signal an underlying health issue, so keeping a watchful eye can be helpful.
Maine Coons - and all cats - are known for their incredible night vision, but does that mean they can see in complete darkness? Not quite!
While their eyes are far more sensitive to low light than ours, even cats need at least a little light to see.
Their secret weapon is the tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer behind the retina that bounces light back through the eye, giving them a second chance to process it.
This not only enhances their vision in dim conditions but also creates that eerie glow we see when light hits their eyes at night.
But in absolute darkness, where no light exists at all, even a cat's eyes won’t help.
Instead, they rely on their highly sensitive whiskers (vibrissae) to detect air currents and obstacles, along with their excellent hearing to map out their surroundings.
So while your Maine Coon may move effortlessly through a dark room, it's not because they have supernatural night vision - it’s because they’re experts at using every available sense to navigate their world!
These ten gorgeous guys and gals kick it up a notch with drop-dead gorgeous eyes. Enjoy!
Beautiful PG lives with Debbie in Lephalale, South Africa, who shares,
"She has to be the proudest looking little monster I know - She is only a year and a bit old , but prances around as if she owns the house."
Luke is from Freeville, New York. His owner Pat tells us, "Luke is a pure-bred Maine Coon. He is just over a year old (born August 8, 2013).
He has one blue eye and one golden eye. I caught him snuggling up to a duck figurine on my mother's porch and he looks so sweet and beautiful! He has gorgeous ear tufts too.
He also has a "wonky" tail. We had him x-rayed and the tail bone comes out from his body and does a complete loop, like a pigtail.
This means he cannot raise his tail. Instead it just hangs down. But even so, he is the most beautiful boy!
At just under 13 pounds, he still has some growing to do."
This is Bella of Colossal Cats in Tampa, FL. Her black and silver coat is so beautiful with the streaks of rusty copper through it.
She loves to run up to her humans as they come through the door, giving snuggles and loving. Her striking Maine Coon eyes look so beautiful against her dark fur.
April is a gorgeous Silver Tabby in Cheshire UK. Lindsay tells us,
"We have really fallen for the breed she is an absolute delight with her chirps and laid back but very playful nature.
Most people in the UK haven't seen a Maine Coon and can't get over the size of her and she's still a baby."
Wow, it's like he can see right through me!
Willy is a Solid White masking Blue who lives with Stella in Edgewater Maryland.
She also has a variety of lovely Maine Coon colors at her home!
Meet Raeiya - Queeen of Beds! Ken in Merrimac, MA, USA tells us,
"When Raeiya is laying on it, every bed is queen-size."
Can you believe stunning Kitty was ever homeless? Donnie in Sanford, FL, USA shares,
"He found me at work. I fed him for about a week before deciding to take him home. He's been an awesome kitty, and everyone says he's beautiful:)"
Jean in Venezia, Italy tells us about this magnificent Venice Cat, "This is not my cat, but one I often see him in the Cannaregio area of Venice, Italy."
With eyes like that, I'm sure he has a doting family somewhere!
Lady Gala has the kind of eyes that see into the soul.
This Brown Tortie was shared with us by Marc in Lille, France. Magnifique!
Wow, it's not every day we see a color combination like Surfer Dude's! Meryl in Cary, NC, tells us more about him:
"Surfer Dude is a purebred Maine Coon who was "shown" by his breeder as a kitten and disqualified for having a "locket", in other words, a small piece of white fur on his ruff.
The comments were that he could have been a grand champion except for that imperfection.
Can you imagine a cat this beautiful not being completely perfect in every way possible? Well, the breeder was the vet of my beloved 20-year old cat who had died 6 months before and she thought I'd be a great kitty mom for Dude. So our special relationship was born.
Dude is going to be 12 in a few weeks. He has some arthritis and has had his thyroid irradiated, but is otherwise in good health. He is the best companion, a big playful goofball, and very intelligent. A classic Maine Coon personality.
He follows me all around the house, will curl up on my lap especially in the winter, and plays fetch. He will also sit up and beg on command.
I love my boy, he brings so much joy into my life! I live to serve his royal highness. :-)"
Maine Coon Cats are described as having wide set, large, expressive eyes with an oval shape, and an intelligent expression. As you can see, those words hardly do them justice!
These ten beauties really show what variety exists both in color contrast, shape, and also expression. One of my favorite Maine Coon traits is the fact that no two are exactly alike!