Are Maine Coon Cats Smart?

13 Traits That Show Their Intelligence!

Are Maine Coon Cats smart? These gorgeous guys and gals make wonderful family pets. They’re known for their looks, personality, and so much more!

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collage of four cats and text how smart are maine coons.

Life with one of these incredible cats is full of surprises - in the best way.

But what makes them stand out when it comes to intelligence? Let’s take a closer look!

Whether you’re just getting to know this breed or already have a Coonie (or two) of your own, there’s always something new to love and appreciate about them.

How about your Coon? What’s the smartest thing they’ve ever done?

#1: They Learn Quickly

These kitties are like little sponges when it comes to learning! Whether it’s figuring out how to open a cabinet or understanding that the sound of a treat bag means snack time, they catch on fast.

Many owners find that their Coonie picks up on routines with barely any effort - like knowing when it’s bedtime or when their favorite human is due home.

Their ability to connect cause and effect makes training a breeze, and once they’ve learned something, they don’t forget!

With a smart Coonie around, you’ll always be impressed by how quickly they figure things out.

#2: They Solve Problems

brown tabby and white maine coon catKatori, from our Jan '22 Album

Ever had a Maine Coon open a door, retrieve a hidden toy, or even outsmart a puzzle feeder?

These cats don’t just react - they think. Their problem-solving skills make them endlessly fascinating to watch.

Give them a challenge, and they’ll tackle it head-on, often with hilarious determination.

If a favorite toy rolls under the couch, they won’t just meow for help - they’ll stretch, reach, and even use their paws like little hands to fish it out.

They love testing boundaries (literally and figuratively), proving time and again just how resourceful they really are!

#3: They Communicate Well

Maine Coons are chatterboxes, and they don’t just meow - they trill, chirp, and even “talk” in their own unique way.

Need to know what’s on their mind? Just listen! Whether they’re greeting you at the door, reminding you it’s mealtime, or responding when you talk to them, they make sure their voice is heard.

But it’s not just sound - they use body language, eye contact, and even gentle nudges to get their point across.

These cats are fantastic at letting their humans know exactly what they want, making it feel like you’re having a real conversation with your feline friend!

Fun Fact: "Does a Maine Coon talk?"

Yes, they are known for being vocal! Maine Coon talking is so fun and interactive. Coonie parents enjoy many fun "conversations" with their furry friends.

#4: Maine Coons Are Friendly

Oh, yes, such a friendly cat! In fact, when you visit a cattery to see your kitten and his parents, you'll notice that the adults are just as friendly and curious about you as the kittens.

They come right up, rub on you, sniff you, chirp a greeting. These are very social, talkative animals. Did we mention they are like dogs?

It's an honor to be the person on the receiving end of their affections. This breed is famous for their laid back personality.

How does this mean they are smart? They aren't skittish - they don't perceive threat where there isn't one.

They have accurately assessed their environment and know they are safe and loved and that the people and other animals around them are friends.

#5: They Are Fantastic With Children

child and big maine coonMy Maine Coon Leo and his boy

Maine Coon owners know this is a family cat if there ever was one. They allow children to pick them up, and handle them.

Of course, these smart cats expect gentle handing and respect.

I trusted Alice and Leo completely with my small children. They grew up together and were the ultimate family members.

They "talked" to the kids, rubbed on them, snuggled and purred with them. A lot.

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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#6: They Are Trainable

black maine coon cat outdoors with a leash and bandana.Apollo, wearing his leash and harness outside

Who says dogs get to have all the fun? This is one of the most trainable cat breeds out there!

They can learn tricks like sitting, high-fiving, or even playing fetch.

Many happily walk on a leash, explore new environments, and follow basic commands.

The secret? They love engaging with their humans and enjoy the challenge of learning something new - especially when treats are involved!

Training isn’t just a party trick for them; it’s a way to bond and show off their smarts.

Once they realize that learning gets them attention and rewards, they’ll be eager to keep impressing you!

#7: They Are So Funny

big brown maine coon lounging on cat treeZephyr, from our Jan '13 Album

Everything they do is adorable. From trying to squeeze into a small box to falling off the couch mid-nap, these hooligans will keep you laughing for years to come.

Good humor goes hand in hand with Maine Coon intelligence!

Males especially are known for remaining clown-like throughout their lives!

Their antics will keep you entertained. These intelligent pets are laid back, confident, and not afraid to really strut their stuff!

#8: They Have a Great Memory

two light ginger maine coon cats sitting on a windowsill together looking outside.Boris and Natasha

Once a Maine Coon learns something, they remember. Whether it’s the sound of your car pulling in, where you hide their favorite toy, or exactly which cabinet holds the treats, their memory is sharp!

They recognize faces - even those they haven’t seen in months - and they never forget a routine.

This can be a blessing (they know when it’s dinnertime) or a curse (good luck convincing them that mealtime changed!).

Their strong memory also makes them incredibly affectionate pets - they remember kindness, trust, and all the little moments that make your bond special.

#9: They Observe and Mimic

big white maine coon cat reaching up to doorknob.Jojo has mastered the doorknob!

Ever noticed your Maine Coon watching you closely?

That’s because they’re expert observers, constantly learning from their environment.

Some even mimic human behaviors - like pushing open doors, flipping light switches, or "helping" with household tasks.

If they see another pet doing something fun, they might just give it a try too! This curiosity and ability to imitate make them endlessly entertaining.

Whether they’re figuring out how to turn on the sink or "talking" back when you speak to them, these cats are always learning from the world around them in the most amusing ways.

#10: They Adapt Easily

These smart cats take change in stride. Whether it’s moving to a new home, welcoming a new pet, or adjusting to a different routine, they handle it all with their signature laid-back attitude.

Unlike some cats that stress over the smallest changes, these cool customers quickly settle in and make themselves at home.

Their intelligence helps them assess new situations and adjust accordingly, making them fantastic companions for busy households.

As long as they have their favorite humans (and maybe a cozy spot by the window), they’re happy to go with the flow!

#11: They Are Independent Thinkers

Maine Coons are affectionate, but they’re also incredibly independent-minded. They don’t just follow the crowd - they make their own choices!

Whether it’s deciding the perfect spot to nap or figuring out how to reach a high shelf, they’re always thinking ahead.

This independent streak makes them fascinating to watch. They don’t rely on constant direction from their humans; instead, they observe, learn, and make their own decisions.

And while they love attention, they also enjoy their solo adventures, proving just how confident and self-sufficient they can be!

#12: They Recognize a Large Vocabulary

If you think cats don’t know their names, think again!

Maine Coons not only recognize their names, but they also respond - almost always coming when called.

Call them, and they will most likely come trotting over… or give you a slow, knowing blink from across the room.

Many also recognize specific words, like "treat," "dinner," or "toy," and will react accordingly. Their ability to associate words with actions shows just how sharp they are. With a little patience (and some tasty incentives), it's amazing what these smart cats can learn!

#13: They Engage in Play Strategically

Playtime with a Maine Coon is never random - it’s a carefully planned hunt!

Watch them in action, and you’ll see their intelligence at work. Instead of pouncing blindly, they stalk, wait, and calculate their moves before making a playful leap.

They love interactive toys that make them think, like puzzle feeders or wand toys that mimic real prey.

This strategic approach to play keeps them entertained and sharpens their natural instincts.

Whether they’re planning the perfect sneak attack on a toy or inventing their own games, one thing is for sure - playtime is always an adventure!

So are Maine Coon Cats smart? Although they have above average intelligence, they somehow don't make the lists of smartest cat breeds!

I'd like to think it's because this is such a consistently popular cat breed that different breeds deserve a place to shine!

There will always be an aura of mystery surrounding this big cat, and to be the owner of a Coon is to be part of a very special group! What do you love about them?

profile of a tiny kitten in black and white.

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fluffy brown kitten face.

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white and grey cat with striking yellow eyes.

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ginger kitty laying on his side.

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fluffy purebred white and grey cat.

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