These wonderful Maine Coon stories are sure to brighten your day! Every day we receive new additions to our Monthly Photo Album. Most of these are nice, short introductions to a cat.
But sometimes we get a long get-to-know you kind of story. Even better, some of these are happy ending "tails" about a Maine Coon or Maine Coon mix that almost didn't have a home. Enjoy!
All of our archived albums below are hosted in our Member's Area - hop on over to the archives - sign in (for free!) and see them!
Marley, Arthur and Elliot
Marley, Arthur and Elliot are Sharon's three boys from Maine. These stunning brothers are the epitome of that Maine Coon look!
Muska and Marley
Meet stunning Muska and Marley from Scotland! Muska, a Blue Tortoiseshell & White, has a very loving nature. Little brother Marley, is just as sweet.
Chester has that classic Maine Coon look for sure! Susan has sent in lots of photos and updates, so Chester has his own page. Hop on over to Meet Chester!
Bubba the Maine Coon Cat
Welcome to Bubba's page. Over time we have gotten to know Bubba through his regular updates - Meet Bubba the Maine Coon!
Falling in Love With Georgina
Georgina is a full blooded Maine Coon girl, She arrived into this world 23 March 2018 so she is closing in on her first year. She joined our family in June 2018, a little early to leave her Birth Mum but for health reasons..
Mr Buster
Meet Mr. Buster, a sweet Maine Coon kitten who started out as J. Paul Kitty. His family is so excited!
Pawstuctaway McMurphy & Kelimcoons Candy Cane
My Sweet Pawstuctaway McMurphy This is my cat Murphy. He's a purebred Maine Coon, classic silver tabby with white. He is as sweet as can be, and …
Hayley and Montgomery
This is Hayley, my first Maine Coon. I got her when she was 6 months old and she was the last of her litter, can you imagine that? She is such a beauty!
Dr Watson and Sherlock
Last month we told you about Sherlock the Maine Coon who adopted us! He is such a gentle giant - full of love and fun! Then, almost two weeks ago, we received..
Many years ago, I enjoyed breeding and showing Abyssinians. After a divorce, move across country and major lifestyle change, it was no longer a viable hobby..
My little girl Tass (or she gets called Tassie Girl) is One today. We purchased her from a pet shop last year in April she was 8 weeks old and told we have..
My real name is Razzoona's Dazzling Dawn, but gladly Mum & Dad call me Oscar. My Aunty Bridget (13) and the kids Eric & Pheobe (8mths) call me GOD!
Rocco & Captain Hook
When I first adopted this Maine Coon I did not know if it was a boy or a girl. I was calling it Daisy. One day when he was about 10 weeks old he was playing..
Diva Molly
Diva Molly from South Africa: I am gorgeous, smart, wise and loving as every Main Coon should be. Only 16-months old, but loved by all. Molly is …
My New Kitten Tilly
I didn't think I'd ever want another cat after my lifelong friend, Mister, died last year. I was wrong. =) My husband talked me into looking …
Max The Cat
Max, AKA “Fuzz Butt Yodel Lungs” is all Maine Coon, the good, the bad, the “you gotta be kidding…”.
Max is larger than life; he is a topic of conversation with all of my team at my company, where there is a fascination bordering on Schadenfreude with his antics...
Since you all have Coonies, you know their personalities - they follow their humans around the house and are always giving (and getting) love and attention. Gabriel has been my closest friend since I adopted him from a California shelter in 2001...
Hemi and Paisley
This is Hemi and Paisley's Page. They are brother and sister Maine Coon mixes who are adored by Liz.
My Cat Hunter....The Coon Who Sleeps On His back!!! Hi, this is my boy Hunter. I'm dying to find out if anyone has a Coon who's predominant sleeping …
Rudy The Maine Coon - Video
Come meet Rudy, and see his video where he does tricks! This page has been one of the most popular visitor pages on the site, with many comments to read and add your own.
Mr. Whiskers: Mr. Whiskers, a Black and person said he looked like a tuxedo, maybe in color. He has always been a unique cat in my area and in my 68 years …
Maxwell Fluffypants
Maxwell Fluffypants was rescued from a foreclosed home where he had been left with an open bag of food and the water had been turned off...
A Cattery Horror Story
Scout Stormcloud is very special to myself and my husband. All my life I had 'rescue moggies'- but one day I saw there was a breeder of Maine Coons …
Oliver's Rescue Story
Oliver was adopted four days before his twelfth birthday. He's so happy in his forever home!
The Maine Coon Miracle
Maui, The Maine Coon Miracle, was rescued by Juli and now has a happy forever home!
Autumn Beauty
Autumn Beauty is sweet girl with a heartwarming rescue story.
Lizzy Butters - Fat and Happy:
Alexis shares, "We will forever be a Maine Coon rescue household! As much as I like to think we have helped her by rescuing her, she has helped.."
Joey...Traveling Companion, Snuggle Buddy, Crazy Coonie Cat
Joey was rescued by Leslee at only eight weeks old! Visit his adoption story here.
Two Maine Coon Adoption Stories
This page has two Maine Coon adoption stories; "Introducing Abby," and "A Sucker For Hard Luck Cases" - Zilah's Story!
Two Maine Coon Rescue Stories
There are two awesome rescue stories here to read; Lucky's story, "Dad's Best Friend", and Andy's story, "Dumped."
Saving Grace
This page has three wonderful rescue stories; Saving Grace, Crying Saved His Life, and Second Chance For an Abandoned Boy
Meet Sable and Vincent
Enjoy Sable's and Vincent's sweet rescue stories! Maine Coon happy endings..
"She Saved My Life"
Louis shares, "Recently I have been in a long period of depression, and I'm diabetic. Recently separated, lost my job, and had to move to a new state.."
Oklahoma Bob
Bob THE BIG Tabby from the Fields of Oklahoma:
This is the rescue story of Bob the big tabby from the fields of Oklahoma. Is he part Maine Coon cat?
Never Fear, Creamy Puff is Here
My name is Creamsicle Eduardo Evans. I am about 3-3 1/2 years old my humans have had me for 3 years now. I was found in the wild by the Animal Rescue …
Our Beautiful Catty LaBelle
Sadie, our beloved feline of more than 15 years had just gone over the rainbow bridge. We knew we could never replace her but wanted to give another kitty a loving home...
Mishu's Rescue Story
A year ago I rented a cottage and on the property there was a cat roaming the yard. My landlord said it was homeless for the past 4 yrs and it just lived under my cottage I'm renting.
Landlord and son fed the cat but it was too fast...
Handsome Prince
In July, 2014, I adopted a beautiful black and white kitten from the Humane Society. He had been born on May 9, 2014. He had a brother and a sister.
It took a couple of days to...
A Third Chance
When we decided to get a feline, we looked through tons of nearby organizations and websites but found nothing that really stopped us in our tracks.
My family wanted something very specific- a small...
This Is Scooter!
This is Scooter, also known as Mr. Scooter. It is believed he is about four years old. Nothing is known of his original owner. He is definitely a Maine Coon! He has every trait, from his...
Meet "Tarzan"
I rescued this little creature from a house that burned down back in November 2012 in our neighborhood. He was just a kitten about a year and a half old when I captured him which was no easy feat...
Our Buried Treasure
This story is about a little miracle kitty name "Chance." My husband Tim was in the washroom one night and called me in there.
He asked me if I could hear a cat meow. I listened and I heard a few different meows...
Louie, Our Gentle Giant
This is our baby Louie. He came to us un-expectantly. We were already owned by three cats, all tabbies. Two of the three were homeless, and the third was adopted from the Humane Society....
Maddy "Our Mini Lion"
We adopted Maddy from the local ASPCA just two years ago this month in January 2011.
I went to the shelter with a heavy heart as I had just lost one of my old and beloved kitties, Skeeter a month earlier...
Tiki and Eli
I just LOVE my scrappy smart little Coonie. He's just bursting with personality, charm and SO full of himself.
He's a cuddler, when it suits him and very much MY cat. He likes my son but he sticks to me wherever I am and we chat constantly. He's in the middle of nearly every single thing I do!
Romeo Asad "Lion"
Asad means "lion" in Arabic. This is a very special and very lucky boy. I found him in the middle of the night at a McDonald's drive-through in a bad part of town...
Lucy Goosey
I work at the Reno NV Veterans clinic and was done for the day, 4 years ago in February and walking to my car in the one story parking ramp. I thought I heard a bird tweeting. I also saw a coworker standing...
Boots....Everyone should own "boots"
Boots is now 9 yrs old. We first encountered Boots who (btw is half maincoon breed ) was underneath our porch.
I'm an animal lover and my home has become a refuge for homeless cats. I can't sleep or eat...
Beauregard - Love After Loss
I picked this baby, sight unseen in November of 2015. I had said over and over that I would never have another cat in my life after I lost my BooBoo to anal cancer on March 5 of 2014.
Meet Presley
This is my Maine Coon mix cat, Presley. We adopted him from a shelter in November of 2013. He came from a litter at the shelter with two other siblings...
Lucy... I'm Home!
Lucy is about 11 months old. I do volunteer work for a no-kill kitty shelter in the area. We have no problem getting our kittens adopted...the older kitties...
I adopted Breanna - we call her Bree - from a shelter when she was 7 weeks old. I thought I was looking for a BLACK CAT WITH WHITE like my last cat, but my granddaughter Stephanie and Bree convinced me I needed a WHITE CAT WITH BLACK.
Just By Chance - Pookie
I work at a local university and on a rainy cold January as I was pulling out onto the main street leaving for lunch I see this kitten dart into the street and a half a dozen students standing around.
I pull over as I am afraid the kitten is going to get run over...
Feral Colonies in Iowa
I live in the Amanas in Iowa and our 7 villages have ALOT of stray cats. I feed and vet all of them that show up.
We've had some beautiful cats show up, but I was truly shocked when Maine Coons started showing up at my door!
Last Chance:
I am employed at a group home for developmentally disabled when a wife of one of my co-worker came into the house with this coon cat looking for someone to adopt it.
I contacted my mother, an animal lover, whom agreed to take in the cat before it was destroyed.
Top of Maine Coon Rescue Stories
Did you rescue or adopt your cat? Tell us your story, and inspire others to adopt!
Mar 29, 25 04:22 PM
Mar 28, 25 11:37 AM
Mar 27, 25 12:43 PM