Cool Names For Kittens

Looking for cool names for kittens? One of the most fun parts of getting a new cat or kitten is naming it!

So how to find the perfect name for your kitten?

Whether you're looking for girl kitten names, male kitten names, or something really unique and different, we've got you covered in this section of names for kittens!

upside-down closeup face of brown tiger maine coon cat getting chin scratches

We have pages of names and naming tips in this section. While we like to think they are all great Maine Coon cat names, these cute kitten names would surely fit any kitten at all!

Your new pet will be with you for many years to come, so choose the name wisely! Here are a few tips:

Take It For A Test Drive
Call the name out loud. You may want to wait until the neighbors are out of earshot, though! Use the name throughout your home and see how it feels.

Try Out Different Maine Coon Cat Names On Your New Kitty
She doesn't have to have a name immediately. She won't recognize her name yet anyway, so you can take a little while to choose. Try one per day till you find a winner.

Make It A Family Affair
If you can bring yourself to let your kids name your new kitten, they might come up with some really cute Maine Coon cat names.

Or, how about a lottery? Each family member can put in a vote, and may the best name win!

Here's a fun idea: Each family member chooses and writes down their favorite five names from a list you share. Then see if you get a match.

🖨️ Want more? Download our "Big Kitten Name Book" of over 2,000 unique names and brainstorming ideas - it's available for members to download to read offline or even to print! Check it out!

For further kitten name browsing check out these pages, too:

Cute Kitten Names

sweet tabby kitten sleeping soundly

Maine Coon cat names have to be special, right? Here is a whole section devoted to brainstorming tips, and ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

If you want to come up with the perfect Maine Coon cat name that reflects your personality, this is a great place to start. Here is where we break down all the different categories of cute kitten names.

Unique Names for Kittens

fluffy sleeping brown kitten

To go one step further, this fun page has lots of kitten name suggestions.

Some of the sections covered here include mythology names, weather names, culture names and much more.

This is the place to go for really unique kitten names.

Sometimes, you just want to see lots of names for kittens, right?

The next two pages each offer one hundred of the most popular names for kittens nowadays. Staring down a long list of names might just give you the inspiration you're looking for.

Girl Kitten Names

sweet tiny cameo maine coon kitten

That's right, one hundred girl kitten names to choose from!

If you want to know what people are naming their girl kittens, this is the place to find out.

Maybe you want to fit in, maybe you don't. Either way, take a look here for popular female kitten names.

Male Kitten Names

two cute tabby kittens in a suitcase

Are you bringing home a boy kitten? There are one thousand male kitten names to choose from here!

I was surprised to find our boy's name pretty high on the popularity list!

Next time we get a kitten I'll be sure to browse a list of popular names first.

This newly expanded list was so much fun for me to create. I do love names! If only I could have a pet for each name I adore.

free ebook

Maine Coon Cat Names

gorgeous silver maine coon kitten

Looking for cool Maine Coon cat names? This page in our extensive name section lists actual Maine Coon names, sent in by visitors.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

~William Shakespeare

Hopefully these names for kittens have given you an idea, some inspiration, or maybe you've even found the perfect kitten name choice!

In the end, whatever you name your kitten will seem like a perfect fit. It'll become a part of him or her. Have fun naming your new kitten!

🖨️ Want more? Download our "Big Kitten Name Book" of over 2,000 unique names and brainstorming ideas - it's available for members to download to read offline or even to print! Check it out!

Top of Names For Kittens

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