Is Declawing Bad?

Is it Ever OK to Declaw a Cat?

by: The Maine Coon Cat Nation Community!

When a reader asked, "is declawing bad?" it sparked a huge, lively and opinionated conversation about whether it's ok to declaw a cat. How to decide what to do?

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"No Maine Coon For Me"

"Since declawing a Maine Coon is so strongly discouraged, I guess I won't get one.

I've gone too long with crummy furniture as it is."

Hi There,

I know this isn't exactly a question, and I can feel your frustration. It sounds like you are really interested in a Maine Coon, and have done some research.

I would wonder, though, have you done an equal amount of research about cat declawing? There is a reason it is so strongly discouraged.

foot tuft closeup.

In our modern society, times change. Awareness increases. Not long ago, many people didn't "buy into" global warming as a concept. They were stuck in their ways.

From animal rights, to children's rights, to protecting the environment, society evolves as we become more aware and compassionate as a whole.

During this time of change, there are those who slide right into the new way of thinking (understanding!) and those who stay right in the past.

When it comes to declawing cats, the 'old way' is to assume all cats scratch furniture, and that altering a cat in this way is the thing to do to make him or her more compatible with their home furnishings.

Here are a few thoughts about declawing Maine Coons, though:

First, it is strongly discouraged because these kittens have a loving, educated (in this subject) advocate, their breeder.

The 'procedure' is understood to be just as, well for lack of a better word, inhumane when done to any cat as when done to a Maine Coon Cat.

All purebred cat breeders know this and do not allow it. Unfortunately not all regular domestic housecats get to have such an advocate.

That's why countries, counties, and states are getting involved. It is becoming not just frowned upon but also against the law in many lands, as law-makers are presented with facts and professional opinions.

female brown patch tabby maine coon cat.

Here is the other thought:

Maine Coon Cats really are as smart as everyone says they are. They are highly trainable. I have never, in almost seven years, seen one of my cats reach up to scratch the furniture.

They were easy to train as kittens, they know what is allowed and what's not, and they are pure pleasure to have around.

One word you'll never hear being used to describe a Maine Coon Cat is "destructive." Cheeky or naughty, maybe, but not destructive.

Those who have already had a cat declawed may or may not see adverse effects on their pet. Those that do include biting problems, aggression, not using the litter box, sullen and depressed behavior and more.

Then, as they age, owners can look for joint problems later in life. This is because a cats body is designed to walk on its toes. When those are amputated, they actually take on a different posture.

Even cats who are fine now will become affected by this improper posture later. And big Maine Coon cats, especially if they develop Hip Dysplasia, and their big size, might be in for a world of hurt.

There are many camps on this subject. Some say do what's best for your home and it's a personal decision. (That's why there are people like breeders and others who become advocates for these animals)

Others say never do it, no matter what. Then there are cats who have genuine aggression issues.

They are a danger to those around them and will surely be put down in a shelter. In that case, declawing the cat gives them a second chance and a home and a life.

Is declawing bad? You'll hear anecdotal stories from individuals who have done it with seemingly no ill effect. However, as is the case when listening to individual stories, hearing one story doesn't replace mass data.

Also, the cat in said story hasn't lived out its life yet. Perhaps the Hip Dysplasia from improper posture hasn't set in yet. Perhaps the cat is hiding its pain, as they are evolutionary experts at doing.

I'll finish with a story. A couple of summers ago, I was at a family get-together, having a conversation about pets.

My husbands cousin was telling me about the love of her life. A wonderful cat, a sweet loving affectionate boy. He was a gem, one of those special pets you always hold close to your heart.

She had his front claws removed in order to keep the furniture intact.

A while later, he slipped out the door as all cats do from time to time. That was the last she ever saw him, she told me with tears in her eyes.

The images in her mind of his fate were to much to bear. They lived in the country with woods and wildlife around. He could not defend himself, or even climb a tree.

She shared with me that to this day she can never forgive herself. Now, I'm not one for 'shock-value' but there are sites where you can see the actual nitty-gritty.

I hope you find room in your home and your heart for a cat. And, I'm sorry that you've lived with crummy furniture for so long.

But I have to agree with you, if declawing is a "must do" for you, do not contact a Maine Coon breeder and try to purchase a kitten.

All The Best,

closeup of cat having its claw clipped on persons lap.

P.S. It's easy to trim cat and kitten claws. Most breeders will help you learn how, too.

We've owned nail clippers for years, and I still use them regularly. There is a description of how to use them here: Cat Claw Control.

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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Is Declawing Bad?
Comments and Discussion:

Will Never Do This Again
by: Deirdre
Thirteen years ago, our vet recommended declawing when Sassy was spayed. He reassured us that it wouldn’t hurt and said we’d be grateful later since she would live indoors.

I agreed, but now, as she gets older and I’ve learned what this procedure actually entails, I regret it deeply. I’ll never do this to another kitty.

Sassy struggles with using the litter box, often going beside it instead. I’ve tried several types of litter, searching for something softer that won’t hurt her as much.

Poor thing! If only I had done my research back then. I’ve since switched vets.

Is Declawing Bad?
by: Christy
I rescued my Maine Coon as a kitten from a parking lot. As a seasoned pet owner, I did what I thought was standard: I had her vaccinated and declawed. She’s always been active, personable, and full of life.

But after reading more about the question, "Is declawing bad?" I’m starting to wonder if I made the right choice.

Even so, my girl is still fun, animated, and full of personality. She’s an amazing companion. I just wish I had known more before making that decision.

Declawing is Animal Abuse
by: MrZottel
I’m thankful that declawing is banned in most of Europe, often under animal cruelty laws. In countries like Germany, it’s even punishable by imprisonment.

When you choose to care for a pet, you commit to every part of their nature - not just their cuteness or companionship.

Yes, pets come with responsibilities: feeding, grooming, vet visits, and yes, dealing with scratched furniture.

If you’re not prepared for that, you should reconsider getting a pet. There’s no justification for permanently altering an animal just to avoid minor inconveniences.

I live with three cats: two Maine Coons from a reputable breeder and one rescue who was abandoned. Scratched furniture is a small price to pay for the unconditional love and joy they bring into my life.

Mixed Opinions About Declawing
When debating "Is declawing bad?" I know where I stand. I’ve had multiple cats declawed, and they’ve all lived long, happy lives.

For me, it wasn’t just about furniture - it was about self-preservation. My skin couldn’t handle their kneading instinct, and even with regular nail trimming, it felt like a battle.

I believe a few days of discomfort is better than a lifetime of love lost because someone couldn’t handle a cat’s claws.

If declawing becomes illegal everywhere, more cats will likely end up abandoned or in shelters. Love your cats indoors, always.

Training and Patience
When my Maine Coon was a kitten, she had a habit of climbing up my legs to reach my shoulders. After months of scratches and bruises, she eventually grew out of it.

Now at five months old, she loves being brushed and even lets me clip her nails without fuss. Declawing is something I’d never consider.

With patience and the right approach, you can manage even the most curious, playful kittens.

A Practical Perspective
by: Suzanne
I’ve been an animal lover my whole life, caring for a variety of pets from cats and dogs to birds and fish.

My rule for any animal joining my home is simple: no damage to my house. That means spaying, neutering, and in some cases, declawing.

Dogs can be trained to follow rules, but cats are independent and don’t take direction well.

Even with scratching posts and deterrents, I’ve never been able to stop them from clawing furniture. For me, declawing has been a practical solution to preserve my home.

That said, if declawing is the only way to prevent a cat from losing its home, it’s the lesser of two evils.

Just never declaw the back paws - that’s unnecessarily cruel. For those who prefer an alternative, nail caps are an option worth considering.

No Regrets
by: Jessica
I’ve had my Maine Coon for 13 years, adopting her as a young kitten. From the start, she destroyed every piece of furniture, carpet, and even screen doors.

I tried everything: scratching posts, catnip, sprays—you name it. Nothing worked.

When we finally moved into our own home, it came down to either declawing her or rehoming her.

I chose declawing because I couldn’t bear the thought of her ending up in a shelter.

We opted for laser surgery, which I understood to be less painful. She recovered quickly and never had litter box issues.

While she’s still playful and sometimes nips more than she used to, she’s a happy, loving companion.

I don’t regret my decision. If you choose to declaw, ask your vet about the laser option. It may cost more, but it’s worth doing it as humanely as possible.

black and white kitten holding a toy.

To Have or Have Not
I had two pairs of brother-and-sister cats, Xerox and Ditto, born in 1978. I had their front claws removed when they were spayed and neutered, and I’ve never regretted the decision.

They lived long, healthy, happy lives. I even still have vinyl records with scratched spines from before they were old enough to be declawed.

Later, I adopted a sibling pair from the shelter. They were four years old and had already been declawed in the front.

Fancy Pants Princess Girl lived to 16, and Moose Boy reached an impressive 20 and a half. Both were gentle, happy, and well-adjusted.

Another cat of mine, Prince Valium, was around five years old when I adopted him, also already declawed.

I believe his declawed status might have saved him from being euthanized at the shelter - thank the goddesses for that.

I understand this is a controversial topic. My parents once had a Maine Coon who shredded their cottage furniture almost overnight, so I empathize with the challenges of maintaining a home with cats.

In my experience, clipping nails can be stressful for both the cat and the owner. Accidentally cutting a nail too short and seeing your pet bleed is a heartbreaking moment.

I know some believe the answer to "is declawing bad" is a resounding yes, but when done at a young age, I personally haven’t seen lasting ill effects.

Declawing is Horrible
How would you feel if someone amputated the tips of all your fingers just above the nails?

Yes, Cats Are "Extra Work" Sometimes
by: Leslee
Cats need to stretch, scratch, and scent-mark; it’s part of their natural behavior. That said, I understand how it can lead to problems with furniture.

The key is to provide your pet with an appropriate place to scratch. From a custom-made carpeted cat tree to a simple log, the material doesn’t matter as much as making sure your pet enjoys using it.

brown maine coon foot with pronounced tufts.

Trimming your cat’s nails regularly can also help. My male Maine Coon has big, dog-like feet with thick nails that don’t grow too sharp, but I started trimming them when he was a kitten, so he’s used to it.

Keeping his nails short means he kneads more than he scratches at his cat tree.

Maine Coons are affectionate, gentle, easygoing companions, and they’re highly trainable.

I encourage anyone to try owning one - they’re worth the effort. All pets require extra work, but the rewards are immeasurable.

For those who ask, “Is declawing bad?” I’d say it depends. Prevention and training go a long way, and it’s always best to explore alternatives before making a decision.

Declawing: A Controversial Choice
I understand the frustration of wanting to protect your furniture and belongings. I own two beautiful Maine Coons.

My older male has never been destructive, but his sister was another story.

cat claw covers closeup on a cat's paw.

I tried using Soft Paws nail caps, but she pulled them off.

Despite having plenty of toys and enrichment and me being home most of the time, she managed to destroy parts of my carpet and couches.

One day, when she was still a kitten, she even got into a naughty mood and went after my canary. Sadly, she killed it. I couldn’t be angry - it was her instinct - but it made me reassess the situation.

After weighing the options, I consulted my vet and decided to have her declawed while she was still young and lightweight.

She stayed at the clinic overnight and was back to her normal self within two or three days. Today, she’s a happy, healthy indoor cat who plays with the others and still hunts mice in the basement.

For anyone wondering, “Is declawing bad?” I think the timing matters. If it’s done when the cat is young, with proper aftercare, it can prevent many issues without long-term harm.

Just ensure it’s the right decision for your household and that the cat remains indoors.

No Choice But To Declaw?
by Steven
If my Maine Coon cannot be trained to use a scratching post instead of the couch, I feel I will have no choice but to resort to declawing.

I've repeatedly asked for advice on how to redirect her scratching behavior, but I haven’t received any responses.

She’s scheduled to be spayed in two weeks. If I don’t hear anything before then, I may have no other option but to have her claws removed, even though I’ve learned that declawing is not ideal.

If this community doesn’t prioritize sharing solutions, I must assume it’s not as important as it seemed.

I’m trying to avoid declawing, as I know it’s a controversial subject, but she continues to scratch our expensive furniture despite my efforts. I’ve heard training can work, but without guidance, I don’t know where to start.

Kitty Claw Covers
by Wendy
Have you tried using soft plastic claw covers? They’re a humane alternative and can prevent damage to furniture. Whatever you do, NEVER declaw your cat.

Declawing is incredibly harmful. If you truly feel unable to work with your cat, it’s better to rehome her than to put her through such a procedure.

Vertical or Horizontal Scratchers
by Muddypaw
Cats have preferences when it comes to scratching—some like vertical surfaces, others prefer horizontal ones.

Experiment with different materials like carpet, sisal, or cardboard. Place a scratching post near the furniture being scratched and use enticing pheromones or catnip to encourage its use.

Declawing can cause long-term physical and emotional problems for cats, including anxiety and joint issues.

Cats scratch to relieve stress and stretch, and removing their claws can lead to biting and other behavioral issues. Redirecting their scratching behavior is much healthier and more effective.

Do Not Declaw!
by Elizabeth
I've always managed my indoor cats' scratching habits by regularly trimming their claws and providing scratching posts.

If you decide to bring a cat into your home, invest in a good scratching post or make one yourself. Sisal-wrapped posts or even logs work well, and you can find affordable options at pet stores or online.

Start by gently getting your cat used to having their paws handled. Trim just the tips of their claws every couple of weeks, making it a calm, positive experience.

This helps avoid scratches for both you and your furniture while keeping your cat happy and healthy. Declawing is not the answer - cats need their claws to stretch, climb, and stay limber.

Never Declaw
I have two Maine Coons, and while my male scratches everything from carpets to a leather sofa, I would never put him through the trauma of declawing. If you didn’t research cat behavior before adopting, that’s on you - not the cat. Scratching is part of their nature.

If you value your furniture above your pet, perhaps you should reconsider owning a cat. A plush toy might be a better fit for you.

Do We Know Steven’s Decision?
I’m curious if Steven has updated us on his decision. Thank you for helping people like him and providing education on whether declawing is bad. It’s so important to share solutions.

Please Do NOT Declaw!
by Suzana
Steven, would you expect a fish to live on a shelf instead of a tank? Cats have instincts and needs, including scratching. If you can’t dedicate time or effort to creating a cat-friendly home, you may need to consider rehoming your cat.

Furnish your space with scratching posts, toys, and other outlets for her energy. Declawing is cruel, and your cat deserves better.

Rugs Work Wonders
Our Maine Coon loves to scratch door rugs and never touches the furniture. Thick, straw-like rugs seem to work best.

A small rug from IKEA could be a great solution! Also, remember that many kittens outgrow destructive behaviors. Give her time to mature, and you may notice a big improvement.

Another Option
by BillC
Steven, there is a better solution than declawing - rehome your kitten to someone who will cherish her and respect her natural behavior.

It would be far kinder than subjecting her to the pain and lifelong effects of having her claws removed.

Declawing Alternatives
Steven, I’ve been in your shoes. I adopted an older cat who scratched my favorite chair. I placed a sheet over it, and it lost its appeal to her.

I also introduced her to a scratching post, sprinkling catnip on it to make it more enticing.

Take the time to redirect her behavior—she doesn’t mean to destroy your furniture, and she doesn’t understand your frustration. Is declawing bad? Absolutely. You can avoid it with a little patience and effort.

Past Mistakes, Hard Lessons
by Shelly
Years ago, I declawed my cats without a second thought. Later, I learned how cruel and damaging the procedure truly is.

One of my cats developed severe issues as he aged, walking on his wrists and suffering from joint problems.

After watching a video on how declawing is done, I was horrified and deeply regretful. Is declawing bad?

Undoubtedly. I now advocate for humane alternatives and hope others will learn from my mistake.

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