Pet Holidays!

Let's Celebrate Our Pets All Year Long

Pet holidays are the best little reminders. No matter who starts them, or where the pet days come from, it's the thought that counts.

membership anniversary sale

black and white sheltie puppy

From the serious (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month) to the silly (National Dress Up Your Pet Day) we've got all the pet holidays covered!

January Pet Holidays:

Walk Your Pet Month: Most dogs love to be walked, and there are events you can participate in if you want to. Some Maine Coon cats like to be on a leash, too!

dressed up cat

Train Your Dog Month: This may not seem directly related to our big Maine Coon cats, but they are much happier when the dogs(s) of the house are trained and well-behaved!

January brings National Dress Up Your Pet Day. Silly, yes, but it's all in good fun! If you live in a big city you can take your well-dressed pooch out for a walk on the town.

Or if your cats don't mind getting dolled up, share some pictures on FaceBook! Personally, I would think this one would have been a little closer to Halloween!

National Answer Your Cat's Question Day! Yes, seriously. It's all about getting to know your mysterious cat. Communication and paying attention to your cat and his needs are the theme of the day.

February Pet Holidays:

National Prevent a Litter Month. Spay and neuter. 'Nuff said.

Responsible Pet Owners Month. What makes a responsible pet owner? Responsibility is a very important subject.

brown tabby maine coon brushing teeth

National Pet Dental Month. Actually, dental health is very important. This is an opportunity to for us to educate ourselves on this aspect of our pets health.

Have a Heart For Chained Dogs Week. No animal should live their life in chains.

Pet Theft Awareness Week. Unfortunately this does happen. It's too bad we have to worry about pet theft.

Love Your Pet Day. Easy, and fun!

Spay Day USA Everyone, get on the bandwagon and spay your girl for her health and happiness!

March Pet Holidays:

Professional Pet Sitters Week: A great opportunity to show appreciation to those who love our pets when we're away.

National Poison Prevention Week: There are definitely things that our pets should never have access to. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

National Puppy Day! Who doesn't melt at the sight of an adorable puppy?

Just For Fun: What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day

April's Pet Holidays:

There is quite a lot going on in April when it comes to pet holidays. A very busy month, indeed. Here are the three monthlong celebrations:

tiny calico maine coon kitten
  • Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Month
  • National Pet First Aid Awareness Month


National Pet Day: How will we celebrate?

Animal Control Appreciation Week: A very important job, indeed.

National Pet ID Week: ID's for pets are crucial!

little boy holding big fluffy Maine Coon

National Kids And Pets Day! This is a personal favorite, since Maine Coon cats are so great with kids.

Last but not least, very important to our longhaired friends:

April 30th is Hairball Awareness Day!

Celebrate with us! This quick list is just a start! We'll be expanding on each of these as the days go by, so stay tuned!

May Pet Holidays:

funny tuxedo cat sitting belly up

National Disabled Pets Day

May is National Pet Month in the US!

Be Kind To Animals Week

National Dog Bite Prevention Week

Hug Your Cat Day!

June Pet Holidays:

National Microchipping Month!

The month of June is very important for cat lovers. It's Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month! And it's sponsored by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

We have big plans for a month-long celebration to bring awareness to this.

Stay tuned, and consider signing up for our rss feed (orange button on left), joining us on FaceBook, or subscribing to Tattle Tails, our free newsletter. This way you will be one of the first to hear our announcement when it happens!

adopt a cat month banner

Similarly, June is also the Humane Society's Adopt-a-Cat-Month. Very important.

World Pet Memorial Day. Remember a friend.

Animal Rights Awareness Week

Take-Your-Pet-To-Work Week

Take Your Dog To Work Day! This is actually a pretty big deal! Are you in a position to be able to participate in Take Your Dog To Work Day?

July and August Pet Holidays:

sweet tortie kitten

Dog Days (of Summer)

National Assistance Dog Day

International Homeless Animals Day

National Dog Day

National Holistic Pet Day

September Pet Holidays

Pet Smile Month

World Animal Remembrance Month

Pet Health Insurance Month in Canada

National Pet Memorial Month

Puppy Mill Awareness Day and Responsible Dog Ownership Day

National Dog Week

World Rabies Day

October Pet Holidays

artistic black and white photo of kitten

Adopt-A-Dog Month

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

National Pet Wellness Month

Fire Pup Day

October 4th - World Animal Day

National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. This is especially important to Maine Coon cat owners, who sometimes wonder how big is too big.

Some folks get a real kick out of the "fat cat" pictures that seem to be everywhere, but pet obesity is no laughing matter. We love our pets and want to keep them around as long as possible.

That means keeping them trim, fit, and healthy.

National Veterinary Technician Week

National Feral Cat Day

National Cat Day!

November and December Pet Holidays

Adopt a Senior Pet Month! I just love this one. Senior pets have so much love to give, and they all deserve a loving home.

fluffy cat looking up

National Pet Awareness Month

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Pet Diabetes Month Diabetes in cats is a common concern. This is a good time to pay attention to it.

National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week Shelters are so important!

National Black Cat Day! Wow, I didn't know about this one! Alice will feel so special on this day.

The last Friday of the month is Fur-Free Friday (although every day should be fur-free!)

Puppy Mill Action Week

National Mutt Day

Cat Herders Day


Did we miss any pet holidays that you know of? Contact us and let us know!

Have fun with your pets and remember to share with friends whenever these pet days come around!

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