Our latest album is chock full of photos of Maine Coon Cats! Come meet Binx, Bellah, Kain, Sterling and Delilah, Bjorn and Ivar, Frogwog, Winston and Khloe, Boo and Tuc, and more! And add your Coonie too!
by: Shirley Finneran in England
Pinny is one year old on 25th March. She survived FIP at 3 months and is so beautiful.
We have decorated a wall our home ready to put up hexagonal boxes/beds for her to climb.
Here she had been looking at the squirrel.
by: Lee in Sarasota FL
Binxy is growing up fast!
She's two years old and 18 pounds and she looks like another growth spurt is coming soon. She went from leggy teen to a little plump then grew more.
She's smart - wayyyyy smart too smart for her own good! She's not satisfied with her toy spinning, so she has to look underneath to see why.
When you shine a laser on the wall, she looks at your hand, not the dot on the wall. You can see her mind trying to work things out.
She's such a goofball of fun - never a dull moment! She's been on this site before, but I can't find her profile. (editor's note: here she is!)
I just wanted to post a picture of our beautiful girl as she changes through the years.
by: Becky in Williamsport PA
My 9 month old torbie.
by: Micah in Indianapolis
Kain is such a loving, sweet and crazy boy! He is 8 months old now and just the best cat I've ever had.
His favorite things.. daily hair brushing time, playing catch with his toy taco, and of course dinnertime!
by: Diane Morrison in Poland, Maine, USA
Grandfather and his granddaughter. Unfortunately we lost Sterling about 6 months ago to illness. We are now looking for a playmate for our sweet Delilah.
by: Shelley Shanahan in Derry, NH USA
Bjorn and Ivar are my first MC’s and they have me hooked on this wonderful breed!
Bjorn is the big brother very stoic, loving and serious, especially about food!
Ivar is the loud mouth who meows for cuddles, to be picked up, and scratches. He has the cutest teeth that we have aptly nicknamed him vampire kitten 😅
They are from the same litter and I’m so glad I adopted them both.
I am coming to realize they are like potato chips you cannot have just one! #3 and maybe 4 pending early 2025 😂
Froggie is a nine year old self entitled female Maine Coon whose favorite play things are coloured ribbons.
by: Becky Copeland in Johnson City TN
Winston is the red Maine Coon and Khloe is the multicolor.
by: Dennis Lee Pastian in Sioux City, IA, USA
My partner and I adopted brothers at 4 years old.
It took Boo (Boots) a month to accept me, Tuc (Tucker) was my partners baby from day one.
Everything was turned upside down on November 14 this year when my partner of 31 years passed from stage 2 Colin Cancer.
Boo is doing ok, but Tuc has turned into my "Velcro" baby. Guess we both need some comfort.
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