Poopy Problem

by Deb
(Port Leyden, New York, USA)

We adopted a kitty from the local shelter. They said she had been tossed out of a car and the resulting broken back leg became infected and was removed.

We pampered her and one day realized her “coon” tail, length of her body, ears, massive legs and her size matched Maine Coon cat descriptions. In fact she looks so much like photos of them I’d swear it was her.

The problem is the litter box- she is usually clean but once in a while she’s a mess. I looked through all the suggestions and like the bathtub cleaning method. She has razor blades for claws and she isn’t afraid to use them!

She is so precious- what an amazing kitty. I didn’t think about daily grooming- I’ll get on that today!! Adirondack Cat Mom.

color morphing maine coon mug

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Jan 17, 2024
Baby Wipes
by: Vickie

Have you tried baby wipes? I have a cat that's a good 26 lbs or more and can't reach his backside to clean it. So I have started to use baby wipes to clean him off.

Jan 17, 2024
Baby Wipes
by: Vickie

Have you tried baby wipes? I have a cat that's a good 26 lbs or more and can't reach his backside to clean it. So I have started to use baby wipes to clean him off.

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