Silly Cat Habits & Behavior

5 Funny Quirks That Make Us Smile

by Author, Coonie Mama & lifelong Mainer

Maine Coon cats can display some funny, silly cat habits and behaviors.

Every Maine Coon, with his or her unique personality, knows exactly how to get our attention!

Muska the silver Maine Coon cat playing with toilet paperMuska playing with toilet paper

They are sometimes called the clowns of the cat world. Mine certainly are.

They are funny cats, silly cats, with some really strange cat habits! What about yours? Share below!

#5: Water Play

5 funny silly cat habits that make us smile

One of the most well known quirks of Maine Coon cats is their love of water play. Or water bowl sports, as one Maine Coon owner refers to it!

This funny, silly cat behavior consists of a Maine Coon cat "pawing" in his water bowl, scooping out the water like he's trying to dig a hole, and then making lovely footprints all over the house!

#4: Funny Sleeping Positions

No one knows how to nap like a big Maine Coon Cat. He doesn't merely curl up on a cat bed and take a catnap. No sir. (well, ok, sometimes he'll do that too!)

These funny cats have some silly cat behavior when it comes to sleeping. They sleep upside down, belly up, showing off their mounds of fur.

Marley the Maine Coon kitten sleeping soundlyMarley the Maine Coon kitten sleeping soundly

If it's the middle of the night, their preferred place to sleep is, where else; in your bed and on your head!

He'll make sure to purr nice and loud for a good long while, too!

And when he snoozes in your favorite recliner or on the couch he will take up more space than the average person!

Leo the Maine Coon Cat sleeping in a funny positionLeo can sleep just about anywhere

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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#3: Playtime

Did we mention that these cats are clowns? Just pull out a cat toy or some catnip to see totally funny silly cat habits and behaviors!

Some of the best cat toys are lasers or wands with something intriguing at the end.

Before long there will be an acrobatic show like none other! Pouncing, jumping, flipping, call it Kitty Olympics!

#2: Silly Cat Habits At Feeding Time

Cartoon cat eating fish on a plate at table

Many cats have very particular, funny habits when it comes to mealtime. Each is unique.

Whether it's a favorite food, or location, these cats really know what they like!

One Maine Coon owner, Rosanne, comments that her two Maine Coons by the names of Buster and Missy must be served on the washer, clean plate, and never un-fresh food, please!

Many cats will only drink water if it's running, dripping, in their favorite dish, or in a favorite spot such as the kitchen sink!

#1: Silly Cat Habits and Individual Quirks

Every Maine Coon Cat is special and unique. Their unique, individual personality will shine through every day. It seems like every cat has his or her own super silly habit.

Our Alice has a couple silly cat quirks. She likes to chew on heads. That's right, don't sit on a couch when Alice is on the back of it! Actually, it doesn't hurt.

She checks out your hair, and then gives your scalp a couple of firm bites. Weird, huh? Also, she is obsessed, and I mean obsessed, with feather dusters.

If there is a feather duster to be found, even if it's four feet long, Alice will drag it up and down the staircase like a panther whose just caught it's prey. Thump, thump, thump.

big maine coon cat sitting in small boxAny box will do

Leo? Well, he's just a nut in general. He loves water, talking, and is very persistent when it comes to finding a nice lap.

He also insists on getting into any and every box, no matter how small!

It's so hard to describe the quirkiness of these cats! They are each special, and each has some weird, funny, unique and silly cat habits.

Visit these pages, where readers just like you share the funny quirks and habits of their cats: Funny Cats and Silly Coonies Galore!

What about your cat? There are so many weird, funny, silly cat habits and behaviors we haven't included on this page.

We all know how special and unique are cats are, so share your cats quirky habit or behavior with us!

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