by Kathy Joseph
(Westchester, New York.)
Khaleesi Pearl, who is almost 3 yrs, likes to open cabinets and open mama‘s drawers in the nightstand and steal anything that’s in there, especially wires - she likes to chew on wires.
She’s very mischievous. She likes to get into everything and anything, and looking for trouble recently has found a way to get behind my queen size sleigh bed which I now have to block.
She loves to play with her mice and a quirky thing she does is that she will climb into anything a toy is on and knock it off, but she goes belly up, she twists her body in a certain way to try and play with that toy. It’s very cute.
She’s about 11 1/2 pounds and about 3 1/2 feet long from nose to tail, maybe a little bit longer. And she’s a very independent kitty - don’t touch me, don’t pick me up, don’t kiss me I will come to you when I want to.
But she has a deathly fear of thunder and very heavy rain and car engine sounds or the grass cutters. She hides and she shakes and she shivers. But otherwise very sweet loving on her own terms and very very cute.
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by Cindy
(Lenoir, NC, USA)
Our Bug was named by my daughter when we got him at 6-weeks of age.
He had been abandoned by his mommy at a neighbors' house and was the runt of the litter. Only my daughter could get him to eat from a kitten feeding bottle.
His huge blue eyes were bigger than his head, so she named him "Bug"; i.e., bug-eyed. He quickly grew into his eyes :). He is solid black and his eyes turned to green/yellow.
He is now 8-years-old and the love of my life. He has trained me to give him water from the faucet, put a little more food in his dish every time we go in the bathroom, and to let him groom me by washing my face with his tongue. Of course, then I'm due for a shower!
He sleeps with me whenever he takes a notion and lies on my chest ever chance he gets. I don't know what I ever without my "Bug".
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by tim
Plastic grocery bags and cardboard boxes are my Coon's preferred sleeping places.
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by Carol Nicholson
(Florida, US)
Luna, like other Coonies, loves water. When she hears the faucet she comes running, and either drinks from the stream or tugs on my hand until I cup it and let her lap from my palm.
Of course there's a bowl of fresh water on the floor, but that's her last resort. I meditate every morning and she's determined to bite the wires which I have to cover. Apparently it's because they're forbidden because she never chews on other wires.
Another funny quirk is that she has a collection of little plastic balls which as a kitten she carried around the house. But now she keeps them in her grain bowl. If I move them, within a day she's got them back! We got her as a rescue from the Humane society so her pedigree is unknown. But she certainly has the looks and behaviors of a Coonie. She makes us laugh everyday.
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by Nancy
Why does our mc paw the floor in front of his water dish? He is 9 years old and has just started this. It is comical!
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by Constance Frye Alsup
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
Snoozie is almost too big to carry anymore. But he likes jumping up!
He is a water cat: loves splashing water out of his automatic waterer, drinking and playing in faucet water. Will jump in a full bathtub and loves drinking from glasses of water, when isn’t can tipping!
Very jealous if mom pets cats or dogs, and will attack these poor creatures for days! Snoozie likes mom to hold him and baby talk him and then after, scratch him while he suckles his fringe blanket.
He attacks visitors, after drawing them in with his beauty. His brother is more stout with his shorter coat and is wound up with anxiety. Sneaky plays rough with his brother Sneaky but prefers a dog to other cats.
His current dog crush is a half Great Dane and Lab. This dog is gigantic and all black and loves Sneaky too and respects Snoozie as well. Never pick up Sneaky and try to kiss him.
All he cares about, other than Snoozie and the dog is mom’s gentle strokes and food (not in that order)! They both love looking out the window, they are both super intelligent and quirky and I wouldn’t have these rescues any other way!
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by Constance
(Rock Hall, MD)
Chessie climbs on the arm of our sofa beside me and rubs against me until I get up and do whatever she wants!
At midnight, she will put her paw under the linen closet on the 2nd floor and pull on it until we get up and open the closet! She sleeps all over the house - messing every bed! We adore her!
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by Sylvia
Saffron likes to lie on the back of the sofa with his head buried in my hair, Smokey is very particular as to where I feed him, sometimes it's fine in the conservatory and sometimes in the kitchen, whichever, he is very firm about his preference.
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by Lowell Daun
(Chico, CA)
Tonatiuh, 4 1/2 yo, can break in with the best. If the door has any kind of levered handle, Tiuh pulls down with one or two paws, opens and walks in.
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by Margaret Rosadini
(Wallingford, Ct, 06492)
Nico is my almost seven year old Maine Coon mix. I usually set my alarm for 4:14 in the morning for work. Somehow he knows this. He will start to make noises before set time.
If I do not respond he will take a running start and jump on my head! Even if it's only 3:30. He will continue till I get up and feed him.
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by Terri Roth
(Westerville, Ohio )