Taking Care of Teeth & Gums

by: The Maine Coon Cat Nation Community!

These visitor Q and A's are all about their cat's teeth and gums. Questions about gingivitis, mouth ulcers, gum infection and kitten teething are found here.

Here are our archived questions and answers related to caring for a cat's teeth and gums. Just scroll down to read more about:

  • "Can Anyone Help Mississippi?"
  • "Gum Infection"
  • "Kitten Teething Problems"
  • "Mouth ulcers; Are these common to Coons?"

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Can Anyone Help Mississippi?

by: L Richards

My darling Missy, who is a beautiful 5yr old Maine Coon girl, has terrible Gingivitis on her tonsils and around her gums.

We are constantly at the vets!(roughly every two months) The vet gives her a steroid injection and a cause of Medrone V tablets which she has a month after the injection.

She has had one tooth out but the vet has assured us that her teeth are fine.

Can anyone help her?

Poole Dorset.

P.s. Does anybody elses cat say Hello?


Hi Poole,
Wow, Missy is a gorgeous girl! You don't see those colors every day.

I don't know much about gingivitis in cats, yet. It is something I'll be researching in the future. Our Alice has a condition where she's allergic to her own saliva. It hasn't affected her too much, yet. she's only 6. She's lost one tooth already. I understand, it's hard to deal with this at such a young age.

Maybe some other visitors will have some thoughts? It sounds like you're getting her some great vet care, though.

Alice and Leo say meow to Missy!


gingivitis solving problem
I have 3 mainecoons one of my boys looks just like your little girl. anyway I brush their teeth daily. Have you tried to brush her teeth. If you never done it she may not like it. However is she food oriented try to brush her teeth and then give her a treat. like catnip. I also when I brush their teeth with my left hand hold their head and open their mouth and with the right hand brush their teeth. Also my cats are 18 pounds all muscle they are very strong but they know that I am not going to hurt them. they actually like to have their teeth brushed. good luck

Don't pull the teeth
by: Lynne

If it is stomatitis, dentists regularly pull their teeth which is barbaric and doesn't even solve the problem. It's only a band aid solution. Hopefully it is not stomatitis, which is very difficult. But i have an amazing vet, who works by phone,(unless you're in New Mexico). Because of the way he works, he doesn't need to see the cat; he does it by symptoms. We rescued a cat with stoma and feline aids, and she had a sorts of problems, but as we worked, the symptoms dropped off. He is DR. Don Hamilton @575 666 2091. He's a little expensive but the cure is a true cure. If you want to know more about him he has a book called Homeopathy for Dogs and Cats. You will really want to see his section on vaccination and how it contributes to some of these diseases. He also has an amazing abcess remedy called Silecea(health food store)that stops the abcess in about an hour. Best, Lynne

Special Additives
by: Tammy

I would have to say if you are at the vet that often due to her teeth and your vet is saying her teeth are fine then you need to find a new vet.

There are special additives u can purchase to add to her water. They are similar to a mouth wash you would use but its safe for her to swallow and will help to kill any bacteria in her mouth to help with the problem. One website you could check out is petedge.com. They sell a product like this that works. Its worth a shot and a lot cheaper than having her teeth cleaned every other month.

My Maine Coon has gingivitis also
I noticed the problem in my kitten at about 6 months of age. He has juvenile gingivitis. Tried antibiotics and they didn't work. At the age of 9 months he went in to have his teeth cleaned and some of his gum tissue removed as his teeth were not completely erupting from the gums. I brush his teeth 2-3 times daily and he is doing great. I use the CET brand paste and they make a small toothbrush that I use. Apparently this is a growing problem with this breed. There are many other things you can try but brushing the teeth is probably the best defense.

Gum Infection

by: Maia

I have a 3 year old Maine Coon boy who has been diagnosed with having Leukoplakia.

This is more prevalent in humans and the vet has not come across this before. He has inflamed gums. They are going to test him for FELV and AIDS?

How can this be if he lives in an apartment and never goes outside and has no contact with other cats?

Can someone please help me?


Hi Maia,

I haven't heard of Leukoplakia in cats before. What is his prognosis? Is inflamed gums the extent of his issue?

As for testing for Feline AIDS and Feline Leukemia, it sounds like your vet would like to rule them out. If your boy has never been outdoors or been exposed to other cats, I would expect the tests to come back negative.

As for how this happened, I have no idea how. That part may remain a mystery. But more importantly, you are getting him great care.

I hope everything turns out well for you and your boy,



by: Helen

Luekoplakia is not a disease itself but a symptom that accompanies other disease. It is seen in people with cancer, AIDS, HPV and immuno-compromised people. Therefore, I would suspect that your vet is on the right track with the blood tests he is doing.

There are some kitty diseases that are passed on to kittens before they are born. This might explain "where it came from." While not the usual kind of transmission, germs and viruses can be tracked in from outside on shoes.

Once you find what the underlying disease is treatment can begin and the luekoplakia may resolve itsef.

Good luck.

Gum Infection
by: Maia

Thank you all for your feedback in relation to my problem.

Helen, you are exactly correct in what you say and I am suspecting that my boy has contracted something prior to me getting him off the breeder. I have had a few problems with him from the first day I got him. He is very highly strung and flighty and jumps at the slightest noise, does not eat any food excepting Royal Canin dry food and is very lean. The vet is concerned that he could weigh more. He is currently maintaining 7 kilos for the past 18 months.

I am truly hoping he will end up well and yes I think the vet is on the right track with the testing. He also is testing his poo which has been sent to the US from Australia for any underlying causes.

So far the leukoplakia has been the only diagnosis and I have fingers crossed that he will end up living a healthy and long life as I just love him to death. His grandfather is actually a "Nascat" decendant from the US!

Again thank you all and I really love your site and always check in to see what is happening out there in the world of the Maine Coon.

Rodent Ulcer
by: Busters human

Take a look at Busters pic,(below) your fur child may have the same ailment. The gums are puffy look greenish and there is a distinctive bright red line in the roof of Busters mouth. It has been extremely resistant to treatment and he is losing weight. Google rodent ulcer and look at the pic's ok? Best wishes that you get a cure.

Kitten Teething Problems

by: Lorraine Holbrook

We have a 5 month old Cream Maine Coon Boy and we have been looking at his teeth and they look very different to our older cats teeth.

He has 2 sets of fangs (incisors?) when our other cats only have 1 set.

Is this normal or should we take him to be checked at the vets?

Thank you


Hi Lorraine,

This is not uncommon, and it happens in human children, as well. The adult teeth sometimes don't wait for the baby teeth to fall out. The baby teeth should dislodge on their own.

If I were you, I would call the vet anyway. You can describe what you see, and see if he/she has any advice for you as to how long to leave them alone, or any issues (such as infection or discomfort - I am just guessing) to keep an eye out for.

All The Best,


Retained canine teeth
by: Helen

Dogs, cats, and like Carrie said even kids can retain the canine incisors. Your cat is nearly old enough for neutering, so I would have the vet extract them at that time. You don't want to leave them in because food can be lodged between them and cause infection and/or decay, not to mention it will cause his other teeth to become displaced.

Kitten Teething Problems update
by: Lorraine

Hi Carrie,
Thanks for the advice we took him to see the vet nurse and she agreed that some of his baby teeth have not come out. She thinks one of them is loose and may fall out but she thinks he will have to have the other removed when he is neutered. It was a relief to know it is nothing serious. We had him weighed while we were there and he is 4.3 kgs at 5 months old so he seems to be growing well.

Mouth ulcers; Are these common to Coons?

by: Rose
(Fresno, CA)

Buster developed a fat lip about a year ago. The vet said it is rodent ulcers which are treatable and we have gone through two rounds of treatment.

Now it has spread to both lips and he is going to the vet today for more treatment and laser treatment.

This is the first cat I have ever had with this problem and wonder is this a problem with coons in general?

Anybody else have other suggestions?

Hi Rose,

This is an unusual question. Poor Buster! I can see it in his picture. It is not something I know to be common in Maine Coon Cat, particularly.

Though this question is somewhat medical in nature, maybe other Maine Coon owners have been through it. I have no experience with ulcers.

However, perhaps another owner will have some ideas for you...

Hope handsome Buster feels better soon,


Mouth Ulcers in Cats
by: Maia

I had a beautiful cat who developed an ulcer on his muzzle near his mouth and the vet too suggested that it was a rodent ulcer. The cat went through treatment by way of monthly injections of cortezone but it did not work and the black crusty sore like ulcer got bigger. I ended up going to another vet for a second opinion a year later only to learn that he had a carcenoma (cancer). He had half his nozzle and nose removed to save his life. I should have done this so much earlier to save him from being disfigured. My cat was not a maine coon.

I truly hope that you dont go through the same that I did. Please seek second opinions to satisfy yourself that you know what you are dealing with.

I have a maine coon boy now and I am just loving him to death. Good luck with it all. Maia (Wollongong - Australia)

lip ulcers
by: Helen

I had a cat who developed ulcers, much as you describe. Many times they are caused by allergic reaction to something in their environment. First thing my vet asked was what kind of bowl my cat ate from. Turns out that plastic can cause reactions in some cats. When I switched to glass bowls the problem resolved itself.

Glass candy dishes from the $1 store work great and are dishwasher safe.

hi, my cat chewie developed a mouth ulcer a couple of months back and he is a Maine Coon, I too would like to know if it is common although I probably doubt it is.

Buster and rodent ulcer
by: Busters mom

Thanks for your comments, I am so sorry that Wollogongs cat developed cancer. Busters' is definitely the ulcer. He can be a postor child for the affliction he is textbook in the appearance of it. I am trying different food dishes, giving him his meds and of course praying for him.

We are having some success
by: Busters mom

After the 2nd monthly treatment with Cortesone and daily Prednisone 5 mg and Duralactin Feline L-Lysine, Buster is getting better. I did switch from plastic bowls to either paper plates or china type bowls. The duralactin is something that is like treating cold sores in humans. Makes it feel better for him. Of course he now hates the vet, and the carrier, and me at times. But I still get the "hey I am over here, bend over, I want your shoulder and I am putting my tail in your face treatment" and those whiskers up in my nose and face.

Rodent ulcer
by: Busters caregiver

We have been having good success using Cyclosporine for humans with my handsome boy. I was really fortunate that the pharmacist was intrigued by the prescription and patient. CVS made quite a customer by nearly cutting the price in 1/2 for first time filling.

My regular pharmacy can ********** themselves.

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